

Keel, Hee-sung  


19 件著作が収録され、10 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2023.09.13 料更新



길희성 = 吉熙星 = Keel, Hee-Sung



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  [토론] 보조사상의 전승=[討論] 普照思想의 傳承 姜健基 (司會); 李鍾益 (論)=이종익 ; 韓基斗 (論)=한기두 ; 崔炳憲 (論)=최병헌 ; 吉熙星 (論)=길희성 ; 鏡日 (論) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 1989
  《바가바드 기타》에 나타난 힌두교의 사회윤리 길희성 (著)=吉熙星 (au.) 인도철학=印度哲學=Korean Journal of Indian Philosophy 1989.12
  『法集別行錄節要並入私記』와 知訥 禪思想의 構圖=P?pchippy?rhangnok ch?ryo py?ng'ip sagi and the structure of Chinul's S?n thought 길희성 (著)=Keel, Hee-sung (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 2002
  Buddhism and Political Power in Korean History Keel, Hee-sung Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1978
  Buddhism in Korea: A historical introduction Keel, Hee-sung Zeitschrift für Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft 1985.04
  Chinul: The Founder of the Korean Son Tradition Keel, Hee-sung 1984
  Chinul: The Founder of the Korean Son Tradition Keel, Hee-sung 1984
  Jesus the Bodhisattva: Christology from a Buddhist Perspective Keel, Hee-sung Buddhist-Christian Studies 1996
  Kyonghung in Shinran's Pure Land Thought Keel, Hee-sung Currents and Countercurrents: Korean Influences on the East Asian Buddhist Traditions 2005.06
  Salvation According to the Korean Zen Master Chinul and Karl Barth Keel, Hee-sung Buddhist-Christian Studies 1989
  State and Sangha in Korean History Keel, Hee-sung Korea Journal 1981.08
  The Founder of the Korean Son (Zen) Tradition Keel, Hee-sung 1977
  Understanding Shinran: A Dialogical Approach Keel, Hee-sung 1995
  Word and Wordlessness: The Spirit of Korean Buddhism Keel, Hee-sung The Buddhist Heritage 1989
  Word and Wordlessness: The Spirit of Korean Buddhism.(Vitality in Korean Buddhist Tradition) Keel, Hee-sung Korea Journal 1993
  Zen and Minjung Liberation Keel, Hee-Sung (著) Inter-Religio 1990
  보조사상 이해의 해석학적 고찰=普照思想 理解의 解釋學的 考察 吉熙星 (著)=길희성 (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 1987
  비교사상 관점에서 본 지눌의 선사상=Chinul's Seon Thought from a Comparative Perspective 길희성 (著)=Keel, Hee-sung (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 2009
  한국불교 수행전통에 대한 일고찰=韓國佛敎修行傳統에 對한一考察 吉熙星 (著)=길희성 (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 1988