

Greene, Eric M.  (本名)


14 件著作が収録され、10 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2015.06.15 登録, 2024.06.17 料更新



Greene, Eric (本名) = 葛利尹



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A Reassessment of the Early History of Chinese Buddhist Vegetarianism Greene, Eric M. Asia Major 2016
  Atonement of Pārājika Transgressions in Fifth-Century Chinese Buddhism Greene, Eric M. (著) Rules of Engagement: Medieval Traditions of Buddhist Monastic Regulation 2017
  Book Review: The Many Lives of Ajātaśatru: From Ancient Indian Buddhism to Modern Japanese Psychoanalysis Greene, Eric (評論) China Review International=中國研究書評 2013
  Chan Before Chan: Meditation, Repentance, and Visionary Experience in Chinese Buddhism Greene, Eric M. ; Buswell, Robert E., Jr. 2021.01.31
  Death in a Cave: Meditation, Deathbed Ritual, and Skeletal Imagery at Tape Shotor Greene, Eric M. (著) Artibus Asiae 2013
  Doctrinal Dispute in the Earliest Phase of Chinese Buddhism: Anti-Mahāyāna Polemics in the Scripture on the Fifty Contemplations Greene, Eric M. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 2017
  Healing Breaths and Rotting Bones:On The Relationship Between Buddhist and Chinese Meditation Practices During the Eastern Han and Three Kingdoms Period Greene, Eric M. Journal of Chinese Religions=中國宗教研究集刊 2014.11
  Meditation, Repentance, and Visionary Experience in Early Medieval Chinese Buddhism Greene, Eric M. (著) 2012
  Seeing Avijñapti-rūpa: Buddhist doctrine and meditative experience in India and China Greene, Eric M. 法鼓文理學院「佛教禪修傳統:比較與對話」國際研討會 2014
  The “Religion of Images”? Buddhist Image Worship in the Early Medieval Chinese Imagination Greene, Eric M. (著) Journal of the American Oriental Society 2018.07-09
  The Dust Contemplation: A Study and Translation of a Newly Discovered Chinese Yogācāra Meditation Treatise from the Haneda Dunhuang Manuscripts of the Kyo-U Library Greene, Eric M. (著) The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 2017
  The Secrets of Buddhist Meditation: Visionary Meditation Texts from Early Medieval China Greene, Eric M. (著) 2021.01
  Visions and Visualizations: In Fifth-Century Chinese Buddhism and Nineteenth-Century Experimental Psychology Greene, Eric M. (著) History of Religions 2016.02
  禪修、禪師與禪經 葛利尹 (著)=Greene, Eric M. (au.); 嚴世偉 (譯) 華林國際佛學學刊=Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 2023