

Edwards, Penny  


12 件著作が収録され、4 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2015.09.09 登録





全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  Achar Hem Chieu (1898-1943), the ‘Umbrella Demonstration’ of 20th July 1942 and the Vichy regime Edwards, Penny Siksācakr=Journal of the Center for Khmer Studies 2006-2007
  Approche du bouddhisme Hòa Hảo au Cambodge Edwards, Penny Siksācakr=Journal of the Center for Khmer Studies 2006-2007
  Beyond Words: Going off Script in Theravada Southeast Asia Edwards, Penny (著) Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 2022.06
  Book Review: Locations of Buddhism: Colonialism and Modernity in Sri Lanka by A.M. Blackburn; Buddhist Pilgrimage Centers and the Twelve-Year Cycle: Northern Thai Moral Orders in Space and Time by C.F. Keyes; The Legend and Cult of Upagupta by J.S. Strong Edwards, Penny (評論) Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 2021.11
  Bouddhisme, négoce et politique: une hypothèse historique sur la sociologie du monachisme d’une province du delta du Mékong (Preah Trapeaing) Edwards, Penny Siksācakr=Journal of the Center for Khmer Studies 2006-2007
  Buddhism and Social Development in Cambodia since the Overthrow of the Pol Pot Regime in 1979 Edwards, Penny Siksācakr=Journal of the Center for Khmer Studies 2006-2007
  Defining Difference: Don Chee and Mae Chee in Cambodia and Thailand Edwards, Penny Siksācakr=Journal of the Center for Khmer Studies 2006-2007
  L’Institut bouddhique ou l’ambition de promouvoir une aire bouddhique “lao-khmère” Edwards, Penny Siksācakr=Journal of the Center for Khmer Studies 2006-2007
  Mahü Upüsikü, women’s morality, and merit in Middle Cambodia Edwards, Penny Siksācakr=Journal of the Center for Khmer Studies 2006-2007
  Modernist Reform in Khmer Buddhist History Edwards, Penny Siksācakr=Journal of the Center for Khmer Studies 2006-2007
  Suzanne Karpelès and the Buddhist Institute Edwards, Penny Siksācakr=Journal of the Center for Khmer Studies 2006-2007
  Threads of Continuity: Buddhism and Conflict in Cambodia, 1953 to 1979 Edwards, Penny Siksācakr=Journal of the Center for Khmer Studies 2006-2007