

The Iconography of Tibetan Lamaism
著者 Gordon, Antoinette K.
出版者Charles E. Tuttle Co.=Tuttle Publishing
出版サイト http://www.tuttlepublishing.com/
出版地Rutland, VT, US [拉特蘭市, 佛蒙特州, 美國]
ノートsecond edition, revised and enlarged. Quarto. Illust. Shaken rather loose, but complete, in somewhat worn cloth binding
キーワード中陰身=中有=intervalic Existence=Antara-Bhava=Bardo; 手印=mudra=finger-prints=seals=signet-rings=mystic positions of the hand; 文殊菩薩=文殊師利菩薩=Manjusri; 本初佛=Adibuddha; 存有=bhava; 空行母=Dakini; 度母=Tara; 唐卡=Thangka=Tangka; 曼陀羅=曼荼羅=壇城=Mandala; 喇嘛=Lama; 喇嘛教=Lamaism; 菩薩=Bodhisattva; 圖像學=Iconography; 繪畫=painting; 藥師佛=藥師琉璃光如來=Bhaisajyaguru=Medicine Buddha; 釋迦牟尼佛=Sakyamuni
抄録"The Iconography of Tibetan Lamaism was first published in 1939, for the express purpose of "giving the student interested in Tibetan iconography a general idea of the development of Buddhism into Lamaism, and making easier the identification of the various deities of the Tibetan pantheon." Although interest in the field has grown over the years, the book has remained the only authoritative work of its kind.
"The book gives a descriptive outline of the principal Gods in the Tibetan pantheon, tracing the main features and symbols that are used to denote each one. A comprehensive illustrated list of the various ritual objects, talismans, symbols, mudras (symbolic hand poses), and asanas and vahanas (position of the lower limbs) that are used in the images of Gods is accompanied with a word list of the Sanskrit terms most commonly encountered in a study of Lamaism.
"A set of thirty-one thangkas from the famous collection of Baron A. von Stael-Holstein, formerly of Peking, China, which came to America after the publication of the original edition of the book, has been included in this new and revised edition."

1. Origin of Buddhism and its development into Lamaism
2. Ritual objects
3. Talismans: amulets, horoscopes, special weapons, charms, luck flags
4. Symbols
5. Mudras
6. Asanas and Vahanas
7. Paintings: Thang-kas, Mandalas, Tshog-shing, Bhavacakramudras
8. Trikaya system and chart
9. Classification of sacred images
10. Key to identification of sacred images
11. Identification examples
12. Adibuddha
13. Dhyanibuddhas
14. Manusibuddhas
15. Buddhas
16. Forms of Sakyamuni
17. Medicine Buddhas
18. Thirty-five Buddhas of confession
19. Dhyanibodhisattvas
20. Forms of Vajrapani
21. Forms of Avalokitesvara
22. Forms of Manjusri
23. Feminine divinities: Bodhisattvas, Taras, Dhyanibuddhasaktis, Pancaraksa
24. Dakinis
25. Yi-dam
26. Dharmapala
27. Minor Gods: Lokapala, Mahapancaraja
28. Mahasiddhas
29. Nonhuman types: citipati, nagas, garudas, demons, witches, furies, Goddesses of the Bardo
30. Greater Mandala of the Chonyid Bardo
31. Local Gods: Wealth Gods, Earth Gods, House Gods, Personal Gods, Mountain Gods, Kinnaras, Apsaras and Yaksas
32. Historical persons deified and Dalai and Tashi Lamas
33. The Narthang series of thirty-one Thang-kas. Bibliography
  1. Book Review: The Iconography of Tibetan Lamaism by Antoinette K. Gordon; Indian Miniatures: The Rajput Painters by Robert Reiff; An Introduction to the Arts of Japan by Peter C. Swann / Gentles, Margaret (評論)
  2. Book Review: The Iconography of Tibetan Lamaism. By Antoinette K. Gordon. (Revised Edition) / Miller, Robert J. (著)

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