

「臨終八小時」是否為往生淨土的關鍵?=Is “eight hours after death” the key to rebirth to the Pure Land Sect of Buddhism?
著者 郭正典 (著)=Kuo, Cheng-deng (au.) ; 黃培禎 (著)=Hwang, Pei-jen (au.)
掲載誌 佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
巻号v.5 n.2
ページ66 - 82
出版サイト http://www.obf.org.tw
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード死後八小時=eight hours after death; 淨土宗=Pure Land Sect; 臨終=dying; 助念=reciting; 極樂世界=Western Paradise; 器官移植=organ transplantation; 神識=consciousness; 瀕死經驗=near-death experience; 腦死=brain death; 阿賴耶識=Âlaya-Vijñâna=Bardo
Because of the belief that Amitâbha Buddha will come and convey them to the Pure Land Sect of Western Paradise when they die, almost all believers in the Sukhâvatî (Land of Bliss) or Pure Land Sect of Buddhism are preparing for the dying moment by reciting the name of Amitâbha Buddha all their lives. It was said that both Dharma Master Hongyi of Ritsu Sect and Patriarch Yin Kuang of Pure Land Sect in the early nineteen centuries have talked to their believers that the corpse of the dead should not be moved within 8 hours of their death. This notion was held and followed by the believers of the Pure Land Sect of Buddhism since then, and affect the attitude of Chinese Buddhists towards near-death and death.Since there is a lot of conditions that the corpse of the dead will not be disturbed in the agricultural society where few people can be found in the vast expanse of land and the pace of life is slow, the notion of “Do not perturb the corpse within 8 hours of death” was not challenged
since its introduction to the society. However, because of the progressive modernization of the society, the management of the corpse must be simplified to accommodate the changes in the environment and society. For those Buddhists of Pure Land Sect who believe in the theory of “Do not perturb the corpse within 8 hours of death”, the modern ways of managing the dead is too rough to be accepted, such as moving the corpse to the morgue immediately after death, burn the corpse 2 to 3 days after their death, etc. The Buddhists of the Pure Land Sect who have trust in the theory of 8 hours after death believe that the rough and poor management of the corpse by medical personnel will lead to the rebirth of the dead to one of the three bad existences. In Buddhism, the death of a person is judged by the leave of the consciousness. However, the sutras and doctrines of Buddhism gave no clear indication as to when did the consciousness leave. Even though there was a rumor that Patriarch Yin Kuang has stressed the importance of “8 hours after death”, there were no such recording or wordings in the “Comprehensive Book of Patriarch Yin Kuang”. It seems probable that the saying of “8 hours after death”is only a rumor. From the point of view of modern medicine, brain death is amount to the cessation of life and body sensation. Therefore, transportation of the corpse, freezing of the corpse, organ transplantation and autopsy are expected to do no harm to the dead. Though brain death has replaced cardiac asystole and apnea as the definition and verification standard of death, and has contributed a lot to the progress of organ transplantation, the belief of “Do not perturb the corpse within 8 hours of death” prohibits the Pure Land Buddhists from donating their organs.This contraction in concepts between Buddhism and estern medicine has aroused great discussion on the suitability and feasibility of organ donation in the media.Modern researches on near-death experiences b
ISSN16072952 (P)

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