無垢友尊者及其所造《頓入無分別修習義》研究=A Study on Master Vimalamitra and his Cig car 'jug pa rnam par mi rtog pa'i bsgom don |
著者 |
沈衛榮 (撰)=Shen, Wei-rong (compose)
掲載誌 |
佛學研究中心學報=Journal of the Center for Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.10 |
出版年月日 | 2005.07 |
ページ | 81 - 118 |
出版者 | 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心=The Center for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 無垢友; 頓門; 漸門; 吐蕃僧諍; 修習次第; 止觀; 頓入無分別修習義 |
抄録 | 無垢友尊者是吐蕃王朝時應邀入藏傳法的最著名的印度上師之一,是無上密咒,特別是大圓滿法於印度、西藏傳播的重要人物。然後世對其生平所知甚少,對其著述之真僞亦有許多爭論。至今既不能肯定於吐蕃歷史上到底出現過一位,還是兩位同名為無垢友的印度上師?亦無法確定他究竟是主張頓悟的頓門派上師?還是傳播大圓滿法的寧瑪派上師?本文先譯介藏文古籍《賢者喜筵》所載無垢友尊者簡傳,對其生平及有關爭論略作説明和澄清;接著譯、註其著述中最有爭議,然對理解「吐蕃僧諍」前後吐蕃佛教之真相有重要意義的《頓入無分別修習義》一書,對迄今學術界有關此書的爭論作介紹和分析;最後從《禪定目炬》主張的以分別和無分別作爲判定漸、頓之標準這一立場出發,對《頓入無分別修習義》一書兼容頓、漸兩派主張的特殊意義作了嘗試性的説明。
Vimalamitra was arguably one of the most eminent Indian masters who played essential roles in forming Tibetan Buddhist tradition and a key figure who disseminated the teaching of unsurpassable Yoga Tantra (Anuttara Tantra) and the Great Perfection (rdzogs chen) both in India and in Tibet. However, it is hitherto uncertain whether there were one or two Indian masters who carried the same name and were both active in Tibet at the same time, or whether Vimalamitra was a progenitor of the Great Perfection teaching of the rNying ma pa or a propagator of the Chinese-styled Sudden Enlightenment Approach (cig car pa)? This paper starts with an annotated translation of Vimalamitra’s short biography in mKhas pa’i dga’ ston and is intended to clarify these controversial points concerning Vimalamitra’s life. It goes on to analyze wide-divided opinions on his treatise Cig car’jug pa rnam par mi rtog pa’i bsgom don, which reflects many central aspects of doctrinal differences between the Indian rim gyis pa and Chinese cig car pa schools during and after the legendary bSam yas debate, in modern scholarships. It follows by an annotated translation of Cig car’jug pa rnam par mi rtog pa’i bsgom don and ends with ane xperimental attempt of illustrating Vimalamitra’s unique position of synthesizing both cig car pa and rim gyispa’s approaches towards the realization of non-conceptual wisdom by applying the criterion of doctorial differences and superiorities through the notion 「conceptualization」 and 「non-conceptualization」 established by gNubs chen Sangs rgyas ye shes in his treatise bSam gtan mig sgron. |
目次 | 一、無垢友尊者生平 85 二、有關無垢友尊者生平的爭論 89 三、關於《頓入無分別修習義》的研究 94 四、《頓入無分別修習義》譯註 97 五、分別、無分別與漸、頓二教之判定 112 |
ISSN | 10271112 (P) |
ヒット数 | 3674 |
作成日 | 2005.09.26 |
更新日期 | 2017.07.03 |

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