

出離因果、幫因、與循因=Freeing from cause-and-effect, Helping the Causes, and Backtracking the Causes
著者 胡祖櫻 =Hu, Tzu-ying
掲載誌 佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
巻号v.6 n.2
ページ88 - 94
出版サイト http://www.obf.org.tw
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード因果=cause-and-effect; 幫因=helping the cause; 循因=backtracking the cause; 觀看心念=observing the thought in the mind; 念頭=thought; 報應=retribution; 十二因緣=twelve dependent originations
Cause-and-effect has long been a momentous topic in Buddhism which stresses the importance of freeing from transmigration due to cause-and-effect. However, ordinary people’s conceptions of cause-and-effect are only limited to transmigration and retribution. As a result, people cannot see a panorama of cause-and-effect and thus fail to get emancipation from it.The properties of cause-and-effect can be specified as follows: (1) The cause always comes
before the effect. (2) The cause-and-effect keeps generating continuously. (3) The time span between cause and effect is uncertain; it can be very long or very short. (4) The cause-andeffect can be in various forms. (5) An effect gets more complicated and heavier as time goes by. (6) Self-brightness is the first cause of every effect. (7) A yet-to-be transcended effect appears repeatedly. (8) People bring to this life all the effects accumulated in previous lives when he/she was born. It is very difficult for people to free from the cause-and-effect because of its accumulation, complication, and heaviness. People suffering from retribution usually call for help. Those who help others out of retribution always have to suffer from the retribution
for them. To solve this problem, Professor Liang Nai-Chung proposed the theory of “helping the causes” under the belief that helping an effect is concomitant with taking over retribution of the effect. He suggested that people’s attitude of mind should be on the cause when helping others. Based on Professor Liang’s theory, I suggest that people should backtrack the
causes to deal with their own cause-and-effect. More precisely, people first find the cause of the present effect and then backtrack the cause to find its previous cause until the root of the problem is pinpointed. By backtracking every cause of the effect, people will be able to find the first cause (i.e. self-brightness) and become free from the cause-and-effect. Specific methods
of backtracking the causes include: (1) accept and face all the effects bravely, (2) observe every thought in the mind, (3) repent, (4) ask why, (5) do meditation to enhance steadfastness, (6) abandon the thought of gains and losses on future effects, (7) do good effects, and (8) practice the chanting of mantra and give the goodness to enemies.
ISSN16072952 (P)

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