初唐時期佛性論爭的兩個相關論題 -- 定性二乘和變易生死=Two Controversial Topics in the Buddha-nature Debates of Early Tang: "Two Vehicles of Determinate Lineage" and "Existence qua Transformation" |
著者 |
廖明活 (著)=Liu, Ming-wood (au.)
掲載誌 |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.18 |
出版年月日 | 2005.07.01 |
ページ | 31 - 73 |
出版者 | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
ノート | 作者為香港大學中文系教授 |
キーワード | 佛性=Buddha-nature; 定性二乘=two vehicles of determinate lineage; 變易生死=existence qua transformation; 分段生死=delimited existence; 判教=classification of teachings |
抄録 | 「佛性」為中國佛教的核心思想課題。自南北朝初年(五世紀初葉)開始,有關佛性的諍論此起彼落,到唐朝初年(七世紀中葉至八世紀初葉)達至高峰。初唐時期的佛性論爭關涉多方面論題,其中包括是否有永遠不能成佛的「定性二乘」存在,以及「變易生死」是指「分段生死」的延長、還是指「分段生死」以外另一種生死這兩個相關問題。 本文分五節:第一節探討「定性二乘」和「變易生死」觀念在印度佛教典籍出現的背景和涵義。第二節闡述法相宗創立人玄奘(約602-664)和窺基(632-682),從肯認「定性二乘」存在的觀點出發,對「變易生死」觀念作出會通。第三節申示法相宗教學的批難者法寶(約627-705),如何站在如來藏教學立場,對法相宗主張有永遠不能成佛的「定性二乘」、至而把「變易生死」解釋為「分段生死」的段限的延長這做法,作出全面批評。第四節逐一檢視法相宗教學的支持者慧沼(648-714)對法寶的批評的回應。第五節總結全文要點,揭示法寶和慧沼的對論所反映初唐時期佛性論爭的一些特色。
"Buddha-nature" is a central theme in Chinese Buddhist thought. Ddbates about various aspects of the theme arose in the fifth century, and came to a head in Early Tang (late seventh and early eight century). The paper focuses on two controversial topics in the Buddha-nature debates of Early Tang: 1. Whether there are sentient beings of "two vehicles of determinate lineage" who can never attain Buddhahood. 2. Whether "existence qua transformation" is a form of "delimited existence" or another form of sentient existence. The paper is comprised of five sections. Section One describes the theoretical background and the significance of the concepts of "two vehicles of determinate lineage" and "existence qua transformation" as found in Indian Buddhist texts. Section Two examines how Xuanzang (ca. 602-644) and Kuiji (632-682), founders of the Faxiang School, affirmed the existence of "two vehicles of determinate lineage, " and as a consequence, interpreted "existence qua transformation" as the extension of the span of "delimited existence." Section Three and Section Four, the central part of the puper, examine in detail in turn Fabao's (ca. 627-705) criticisms of the Faxiang opinions about these two topics, and Huizhao's (648-714) countercriticisms in defense of the Faxiang position. Section Five, the conclusion, highlights how controversies over the two topics reflected some of the basic features of the Buddha-nature debates of Early Tang. |
目次 | 一、經論中的「定性二乘」和「變易生死」觀念 33 二、法相宗的「定性二乘」和「變易生死即是增壽」說法 37 三、法寶對法相宗的「定性二乘」和「變易生死即是增壽」說法的評難 44 (一)定性二乘問題 (二)變易生死問題 四、慧沼對法寶的評難的反難 58 (一)定性二乘問題 (二)變易生死問題 五、結論 70
ISSN | 10177132 (P) |
ヒット数 | 3244 |
作成日 | 2006.12.07 |
更新日期 | 2017.06.20 |

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