

窺基《妙法蓮華經玄贊》科文析論=An Analytical Study of Kue-ji's Miao-fa-lian-hua-jing Xuan-zan
著者 黃國清 =Huang, Guo-qing
掲載誌 圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies
ページ245 - 268
出版者圓光佛學研究所=Yuan Kuang Buddhist College
出版サイト http://www.ykbi.edu.tw/
出版地桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード法華玄贊=Commentary on the Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra; 通論全經科文=headings of general commentary on the sutra; 全經架構科判=structural divisions of the sutra; 一乘=the One Vehicle; 境行果=scene, cultivation, and effect of the One Vehicle

This paper is a complete investigation into Miao-fa-lian-hua-jing Xuan-zan (A Commentary on the Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra), including its headings of general commentary on the Lotus Sutra and its structural divisions of the sutra. The purpose is to understand Kuei-ji’s general views of the sutra. Before the main text of commentary, Kuei-ji discusses the themes of the whole sutra and the related documents under five headings. In “Circumstances Leading to the Revelation of the Sutra,” “Explanation of the Doctrine of the Sutra,” and “Interpretation of the Titles of the Chapters,” he gives a clear suggestion as to the meanings of the titles, the original intention of the Buddha, the principles of the Sutra, and the period of teaching that the sutra belongs in. In “Explanation of the Order of the Chapters” he clarifies the particular order of the discourse. The section of “Explanation of the Deletion and Establishment of the Chapters” is a documentary study of the text of the sutra, dealing with both doctrinal principles and recorded data. These five sections of commentary are significant material for the understanding of Kuei-ji’s views of the Lotus Sutra.
Kuei-ji provides two kinds of structural division for the Lotus Sutra. Both systems contain three parts, i.e., the introduction, the main text, and the circulation, but the chapters covered by the main text are different. In the first kind of division the first chapter is the introduction, the second through the ninth chapter (Prediction of Arhats, Training and Trained) or the first half of the tenth chapter (Teacher of the Law) are the main text, and the remaining chapters are the circulation. In this system the main text emphasizes converting the Two Vehicles to the One Vehicle, which is the original theme of the Lotus Sutra. In the second kind of division the first chapter is also the introduction. The main text is further divided into three sections: the twelve chapters from “Tactfulness” to “Exhortation to Hold Firm” explain the scene or object of contemplation of the One Vehicle. The two chapters of “A Happy Life” and “Springing Up out of the Earth” explain the religious practice or cultivation of the One Vehicle. The five chapters from “Revelation of the Life of the Tathagata” to “The Bodhisattva Never Despise” explain the fruit or effect of the cultivation of the One Vehicle. The remaining chapters constitute the circulation part. This system clearly indicates the shifting of topics in the discourse of the sutra.
ISSN16086848 (P)

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