初期佛教飲食觀之研究 -- 以阿含經為主=A Study of the Early Buddhism's Food-eating Philosophy: Mainly with Referenced to ?gamas |
著者 |
李彩燕 (撰)=Li, Tsai-yen (compose)
出版年月日 | 2006 |
ページ | 197 |
出版者 | 輔仁大學宗教學系 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 輔仁大學 |
学部・学科名 | 宗教學系 |
指導教官 | 許明銀 |
卒業年 | 94 |
キーワード | 初期佛教=Early Buddhism; 飲食觀=food-eating philosophy; 四食=four types of food; 法食=dharmma food; 業報=Karma-reward; 修行=eligious discipline |
抄録 | 由於人類有飲食需求必然使生活受到限制,加上飲食方式及取食手段不當,促使我們面對許多的痛苦及危機;小至個體的病痛及死亡、中至整體生活環境之惡化、大到導致某些物種的瀕臨滅亡及地球可能加速毀壞。當今人類研究飲食問題可說不遺餘力,但從佛教角度出發之研究尚不多見。 本文研究範圍以初期佛教經典中之漢譯經藏資料為主、研究方法以史料文獻分析及比較為主、並以宗教學角度作為研究方向,探討初期佛教之飲食觀,是否能提供人們從飲食所產生之種種煩惱中,進入解脫自在之生命狀態的可能性。研究目的可分成二方面:一、提供以律藏資料作為研究佛教飲食者之參考,二、提供社會大眾從佛教飲食觀點中獲取新思惟,進而突破在思考飲食問題上的某些盲點。 本文共分成六章。第一章緒論、第二章飲食觀探源、第三章飲食的教理特色、第四章段食與業報、第五章人類的段食與修行、第六章結論。 本文之研究成果,共有四方面:一、背景面:討論了初期佛教飲食觀形成之背景因素及佛陀本身之生活態度及對飲食的看法。二、理論面:初期佛教飲食的教理特色分析及說明,可用來比較初期佛教飲食之教理和一般世俗及其他宗教之區別。三、對照面:從段食與業報的角度,對照三界眾生由於所造業之不同,呈現在飲食果報上之具體差別,並特別針對需要物質性飲食之欲界眾生的飲食問題加以探討,為改善人類飲食問題及超脫欲界飲食的種種限制提供了參考之意見。四、實踐面:從修行的角度思考,飲食與僧團的活動、功能及限制、具體的實踐原則及作法。無論從那個面向切入,初期佛教飲食觀都具有著幫助人類從充滿世俗煩惱,走向悟道解脫之神聖境界的具體做法及說明。
That the food-eating desire of mankind somewhat makes living inconvenience and improper food-eating habits and food-obtaining means can let human beings face many pains and crises, including individual pains, deaths, the worsening of living surroundings, and even the perishing of some species and the possible destroying of the earth. Therefore, human beings, now, greatly focus on the research of food-eating problems, but rarely study them specifically from a Buddhism’s angle. The main studying materials for this thesis are the Chinese-edition Buddhism’s scriptures---Chinese Agamas and Pali Nikayas--- in the early Buddhism. My research methodology is (1) to religiously analyze and compare the collected historical materials; (2) to study the religious divine character of the Buddhism through food-eating philosophy so as to further help human beings obtain body liberation and free themselves from different kinds of pains and anxiety derived from food-eating. The purpose of the research can be divided into two respects: (1) to sincerely deliver the research results as references to those who mainly cite their studying materials from the Vinaya-Pitaka to do their researches on the Buddhism’s food-eating; and (2) to help the public get a new thinking on food-eating by using the Buddhism’s food-eating philosophy, and further break through their food-eating problems. The thesis is composed of six chapters---(Chapter 1) Introduction; (Chapter 2) The Evolutionary background of Food-eating Philosophy; (Chapter 3) Food-eating teaching Character; (Chapter 4) Food-eating and Karma-reward; (Chapter 5) Food-eating and Religious Discipline; and (Chapter 6) Conclusion. The results of the research can be divided four categories as below: (1) Background The research both on the factors of establishment of food-eating philosophy in the early Buddhism, and on Buddha’s living and food-eating philosophies; (2) Theory The analyses and explanations of the special character of the early Buddhism’s food-eating philosophy, simultaneously compared with those of the public and other religions; (3) Contrast The beings in the three realms with different karmas apparently resulting into enjoying different karma-rewards of food-eating, the study of the food-eating problems of the living beings in the realm of sensual desire, and of Buddha, so as to think out a feasible method to improve mankind’s food-eating problems as well as to transcend the food-eating limitation in the realm of sensual desire; and (4) implementation From the view-point of religious discipline, the early Buddhism’s food-eating philosophy helping human beings live in the divine world with liberation instead of in the world filled with all passions and delusions. |
目次 | 目 次 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究範圍 2 第三節 文獻回顧舉要與研究目的 6 第四節 研究方法及論文架構說明 11 第二章 飲食觀探源 13 第一節 修道前的生活經驗 13 第二節 參訪名師 15 第三節 苦行中的飲食體驗 16 第四節 對外道苦行之批判——以飲食為例 18 第五節 對殺生之宗教活動的批判 21 第六節 試論世尊之生活態度及飲食看法 24 第三章 飲食的教理特色 31 第一節 食的定義、範圍及類型 31 第二節 食的重要性——一切眾生依食而存 36 第三節 四食之生起及捨離 42 第四節 以法為食 52 第五節 食的譬喻性意義 58 第四章 段食與業報 65 第一節 三界眾生飲食與業報略說 65 第二節 人類飲食與業報之關係 73 第三節 欲界眾生之飲食與業報之關係 91 第四節 欲界眾生飲食之限制與解脫 116 第五章 人類的段食與修行 145 第一節 飲食與僧團的活動 146 第二節 飲食的功能與限制 152 第三節 飲食的節制 159 第四節 實踐飲食節制之方法 172 第六章 結論 185 參考書目 189 |
ヒット数 | 1026 |
作成日 | 2007.07.27 |
更新日期 | 2023.04.25 |

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