道安經序思想的轉折及在格義問題上的意義=The Matching of Ideas in Buddhism During the Periodof Disunion: A Study of Tao-an's Interpretation ofBuddhism as Revealed in His Preface to Buddhist Sutras |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
國立臺灣大學文史哲學報=Bulletin of the College of Liberal Arts
巻号 | n.48 |
出版年月日 | 1998.06 |
ページ | 251 - 292 |
出版者 | 國立臺灣大學文學院 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 原刊名「國立臺灣大學文史哲學報」出版至第52期(民89年6月)止,自第53期(民89年11月)起,改為「臺大文史哲學報=Humanitas Taiwanica」 |
キーワード | 格義=Method of "Geyi"; 道安=Tao-an; 魏晉=We-Tsin Dynasty; 玄學=Chinese traditional metaphysics; 佛學=Buddhism; Matching of ideas |
抄録 | 道安 (312-385) 在西元 351年左右曾提出對「格義」的批評,此種批評的重點何在? 對道安之理解佛經有何影響? 本文的研究環繞著上述二個問題而展開. 結論以為:道安所言「先舊格義,於理多違」所指的「格義」應非竺法雅的格義之法,而為對先輩經解的批評. 他的評論,一方面針對當時的佛學理解; 另一方面也是對自己以往理解的反省. 基於此種反省,道安所遺留的經序,表現了前,後二期不同的思想.前期大都指向返精歸神的工夫論,與中國傳統思想與康僧會一系的意見有形式上的相似. 後期 的意見不強調練精養神,轉而強調主體之自由無礙.總體而言,道安在經中所表達的佛學思想並不完全契入佛理,此種不契亦表現出格義問題的一個面向. Fa-tsang's Critique on the Lotus Sutra Contained in His Treatise on the Five Teachings:A Discussion from the Viewpoint of T'ien-t'ai Doxology by Chuang K'un-mu (Abstract) Fa-tsang spent much energy on propagating the Special Teaching of the One Vehicle,the boundless Hua-yen Sutra, in his Treatise on the Five Teachings. He established the Special Teaching of the One Vehicle mainly on the basis of the Common Teaching of the One Vehicle of the Lotus Sutra availing himself frequently of T'ien-t'ai and Lotus Sutra concepts. Nevertheless, in his Treatise on the Five Teachings Fa-tsang mentioned the Lotus Sutra, which belongs to the Perfect Teaching of the T'ien-t'a passing and failed to provide it with a reasonable position. Compared with this treatment,the T'ien-t'ai system of the Four Teachings assigns a clear role to the Hua-yen Sutra, to wit the Special Teaching. Thus it can be said that Chih-yi's doxology is stricter and more complete. Though Fa-tsang lived later,he did not incorporate T'ien-t'ai in a reasonable manner into his doxology. It is a deficiency of Fa-tsang's system that the Lotus Sutra could not find a proper place therein. The present paper discus ses Fa-tsang's attitude mainly by studying all the sections in the Treatise on the Five Teachings in which the Lotus Sutra and T'ien-t'ai are mentioned. |
ISSN | 10152687 (P) |
ヒット数 | 2817 |
作成日 | 2007.09.11 |
更新日期 | 2017.08.17 |

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