《景德傳燈錄》研究=A Study of the Transmission of the Lamp |
著者 |
出版年月日 | 2004.11.16 |
出版者 | 復旦大學=Fudan University |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 上海, 中國 [Shanghai, China] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 博士 |
学校 | 復旦大學 |
学部・学科名 | 中國古代文學 |
指導教官 | 陳允吉 |
卒業年 | 2004 |
キーワード | 宋代詩注=verse annotations; 景德傳燈錄=The Transmission of the Lamp; 版本=editions; 文學性=literariness; 傳燈玉英集=Chuan Deng-Yu Yingji |
抄録 | 《景德傳燈錄》為北宋真宗朝,吳僧道原所作之禪宗燈史。其書集錄自過去七佛,及歷代禪宗諸祖五家五十二世,共一千七百零一人之傳燈法系。此書編成之後,道原詣闕奉進,宋真宗命楊億等人加以刊定,並敕准編入大藏流通,故《景德傳燈錄》在宋、元、明各代流行極廣,對教界文壇俱有甚深之影響。禪師常雲之一千七百則公案即指此書,而在文人詩歌中,“讀《傳燈》”幾成參禪之同義語。然受近世禪宗研究重前期禪史研究之風氣影響,學界對此書少有著意,實有深入研究之必要,此則為筆者撰述本文之原因。全文主體共五章,前為引言,後為附錄。引言部分對近世禪宗研究及《景德傳燈錄》研究之狀況進行了回顧,並闡明本論文所採用之方法及所持之視角。第一章為《景德傳燈錄》成書研究。首先論述宋代佛教史學之概況及燈錄體制之形成,以見道原編集是書之學術背景。其次對《傳燈錄》作者承天道原之生平做進一步之考察,並考述其編集此書時所用之資料。《傳燈錄》編成之後,曾經楊億、李維、王曙校定,故第三節,對此三人之生平行履及與佛教之關係予以考察,並據史料對三人校訂《傳燈錄》之時間進行推測。第二章為《景德傳燈錄》的刻印與版本。首先據史書與書目之記載,考定《傳燈錄》初刻之時間、面貌與入藏等問題。《傳燈錄》編成之後,歷代皆有刻印,故第二節主要考察歷代刻印《傳燈錄》之情况。第三節對現存版本予以介紹,並據現存版本之异同,對《傳燈錄》版本源流做一系統考察。第三章為《景德傳燈錄》注文研究。本章將《傳燈錄》注文分為道原、楊億原注與後世附注二類,並對注釋之體例與內容進行深入之討究,並對後世附注所引之書予以考察。第四章為《景德傳燈錄》的文學性研究。首先探討《傳燈錄》所表現的記事藝術。第二節主要論述禪語中所用之修辭手法。第三節著重討論《景德傳燈錄》中富有文學特色的體裁,即獨立成篇的偈頌歌詩。第四節則重點論述夾雜於師資酬對中不成篇的詩歌斷句。第五章則為《景德傳燈錄》對宋人之影響,首先論述宋人對此書的總體接受情况,次以王隨為個案,討論其抄集《傳燈錄》之作《傳燈玉英集》。《傳燈錄》收禪師一千七百餘人,禪家典實幾網羅殆盡,此書實有禪家類書之性質,宋人詩注多喜引《傳燈錄》解釋有關佛法、禪宗之語言與典實,故第三節討論宋人詩注對此書的應用。附錄集錄歷代書目對《景德傳燈錄》的著錄。
The Transmission of the Lamp is the important Zen text. This book is composed of 30 short books containing the biographies,dialogues,and listings of 1701 Zen masters of about 52 generations. It was very popular in Song,Yuan,Ming Dynasty and gave a very big influence to scholars and monks at that time. But because the modern Zen research values the ex- period Zen history but not the later period, few scholars study this book.lt is the reason I write this dissertation .The dissertation includes a foreword, an appendix and a main text that is composed of five parts. The review to modern Zen research and the study of The Transmission of the Lamp is in the foreword. In the first chapter, the thesis discusses how this book was written of. First, through the description toward Buddhism historiography in Song Dynasty and development of Denglu, the author explains the scholarship background under that this book appeared. Secondly.the thesis investigates the career of Daoyuan who is the author of The Transmission of the Lamp and the relations between the Buddhism and Yangyi, Liwei and Wangshu who revised this book.In second part, the publications of The Transmission of the Lamp are introduced in Song,Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasty .Through comparing all kinds of editions, the thesis discovers the variations in editions of this book. The annotations of The Transmission of the Lamp are studied in the next chapter.the thesis researches the contents and styles of the annotations that are divided into the original annotations and later annotations according to the authors.In the fourth chapter, The literariness of The Transmission of the Lamp were evaluated. Because The Transmission of the Lamp is biographical literature, the thesis first discusses it’s narrative art . Rhetoric skills in the Zen masters’ language are analyzed.In addition, their poems are enjoyed. The Transmission of the Lamp produced the important influence to the intellectuals in Song Dynasty ,so we explore the reception of this book in the fifth chapter. As an example, we discuss in detail Chuan Deng Yu Ymg Ji(i% ’3|^l)that contains many stories extracted from The Transmission of the Lamp by Wangsui(jSi).Moreover, the thesis still discusses how applied this book in the verse annotations written by intellectuals in Song Dynasty. In appendix, we extracted the records concerning this book from past catalogs. |
ヒット数 | 1121 |
作成日 | 2008.07.02 |
更新日期 | 2015.12.03 |

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