

信息場與隱密物質和隱密能量的可能關聯=The possible connection between information field and dark m
著者 李嗣涔 =Lee, Si-chen ; 唐大崙 =Tang, Da-ren ; 郭翰 =Kuo, Han
掲載誌 佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
巻号v.5 n.2
ページ54 - 65
出版サイト http://www.obf.org.tw
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
キーワード信息場=information field; 手指識字=Finger reading; 隱密物質=dark matter; 隱密能量=dark energy; 磁場效應=magnetic effect
抄録1970年代,天文學家在測量螺旋狀銀河旋轉的速度曲線時發現到了銀河的邊界光度開始減弱,表示星球數目減少質量減少,旋轉的速度應該減少。但是事實上量到的旋轉速度不但沒有減少,反而一直保持很大,這似乎說明了銀河中有很多物質是我們看不到的,這看不見的物質叫做隱密物質(dark matter)。1998年兩組天文學家宣佈了一項石破天驚的發現,我們這宇宙充滿了一種能量,可以抵抗萬有引力,讓宇宙的膨脹越來越快,叫做「隱密能量」(dark energy)。2003年美國的Wilkinson微波非等向性探測衛星(WMAP),以探測宇宙微波背景輻射所得的數據,配合上其他的數據象Sloan數位天空調查(Sloan Digital Sky Survey,SDSS)所得上百萬個銀河的資料,再度證實宇宙具有大量的隱密能量。宇宙的膨脹非但沒有減慢,反而越來越快了。目前宇宙學家的共識是宇宙中我們能看到、量到的物質只佔宇宙總能量的百分之四,具有萬有引力的隱密物質佔百分之二十三,具有抵抗萬有引力的隱密能量佔百分之七十三。也就是我們目前所認識的宇宙只有可憐的百分之四,還有很廣大的未知世界等著我們去發掘。我們由手指識字所發現的信息場,是超越四度時空的另一種存在,是一個看不見的世界,裡面有各式各樣的神靈。神靈有意識有能量,可以和物質世界產生交互作用。我們在先前大量的手指識字實驗中發現受試者手持紙條放在磁鐵上進行實驗時,所「看見」的影像有放大的情形,且在磁鐵S極端特別明顯,N極較無變化或縮小,表示心物合一的現象會受磁場之影響而產生變化。由於手指識字辨識神聖字彙會連結到信息場,我們相信手指識字所產生的心物合一的現象與信息場的物理實質是相似的,都會與物質界的磁場產生作用。我們推測信息場的信息網站、神靈及其物質世界交互作用的能量至少是構成隱密物質的一部份。而隱密能量的第五物質或仙界物質在宇宙的分佈很均勻,會產生抵抗萬有引力的效果,我們猜想信息場內神靈的意識可以超越浩瀚的空間而存在,意識也可以操控物質,就像念力可以移動物體一樣,也許可以推動銀河的遠離,在成斥力的幻象,因此神靈的意識很可能也是構成隱密能量的重要成份。
In the 1970’s, when the astrophysicists measured the rotation velocity curves of numerous spiral galaxies, they discovered that the rotation speed of the spiral arms didn’t decrease as approaching the edge of the galaxies where the luminescent materials significantly reduced,suggesting a reduced mass, a weakened gravitational force, but instead the rotation speed kept a high value. This indicated that a lot of materials in the galaxies were invisible; these invisible materials were called dark matter. In 1998, two groups of astrophysicists announced a ground breaking news that our universe was full of a kind of energy called “dark energy”which could resist the gravitational force and accelerate the expansion of the universe. In 2003, the existence of a large quantity of dark energy was reconfirmed by matching the microwave
background radiation data obtained from Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)and millions of galaxies data from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The expansion of the universe is indeed accelerating. Now the consensus among cosmologists was that the dark energy summed to 73% of the total density of the universe, dark matter summed to 23%, and the ordinary visible materials that we were familiar with amounted to mere 4% of the total density. In other words, 96% of the universe are unknown and waiting for us to uncover.
The “information field” which we discovered from finger reading experiments is an invisible world beyond the four dimensional space-time we know of. In the information field, there exist many spirits who have consciousness and energy, they can interact with material world.In the finger reading experiments, we also discovered that when the subjects did the experiments
by holding a magnet in their hands or nearby, the images they saw in their brain were affected. The images were magnified when facing the south pole of the magnet, the images didn’t change size or shrink a little bit when facing north pole. This suggested that the mindmatter unification process during finger reading was able to interact with the magnetic field.Since the mind-matter unification process would connect to the information field (web sites)
when tested with sacred words (web address), it is then believed that the physical basis for information field and the mind-matter unification process are similar; they both can interact with magnetic field and material world. We suggest that the energy content of the information field such as information websites, spirits, and its interaction with material world constitute at least part of the dark matter. The dark energy consisting of quintessence distributes rather uniformly in the universe; it generates anti-gravity effect. We propose that the consciousness of the spirits which transcend the enormous space of the universe and be able to manipulate the material world like moving object by psychokinesis may push apart the galaxies and form
an illusion of anti-gravity. Therefore, the consciousness of the spirits may constitute an important part of the dark energy.
ISSN16072952 (P)

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