宋代佛教與官府財政的關係 -- 以曾鞏與蘇軾的見解為例=The Relationship Between Buddhism in the Song Dynasty and Feudal Official Finance |
著者 |
崔勇 (著)=Cui, Yong (au.)
掲載誌 |
河北學刊=Hebei Academic Journal
巻号 | v.26 n.3 |
出版年月日 | 2006 |
ページ | 114 - 117 |
出版者 | 河北省社會科學院 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 河北, 中國 [Hopei, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 曾鞏=Zeng Gong; 蘇軾=Su Shi; 佛教=Buddhism; 官府財政=feudal official finance |
抄録 | 宋代,佛教與官府財政的關係是時人頗為關注的問題。許多有識之士紛紛提出自己的見解和主張,曾鞏與蘇軾即為其中的典型代表。曾鞏的擠壓見解與蘇軾利用佛教生財的主張,表面看似對立,但二人的主旨卻是一致的,即通過對佛教資源的再分配,解決政府的財政危機。當然這一緊一松,與二人的性格和仕途經歷有密切關係。曾鞏的處事嚴謹與蘇軾的放達寬容,曾鞏的任職京師、編修史籍與蘇軾的任職地方州府首長的經歷,形成鮮明對照。
Many scholars come up with their opinions of the relationship between the Song Buddhism and feudal official finance, of whom Zeng Gong and Su Shi are examples. They seem opposing, but in reality their major views are the same, namely, solving feudal official financial crisis through re - distribution of Buddhist resources. Their different ways are closely related with their personality and official careers. Zeng's preciseness in handling affairs and Su's tolerance are in evident comparison for Zeng works as a historian while Su works as a governor. |
ISSN | 10037071 (P) |
ヒット数 | 766 |
作成日 | 2008.09.08 |
更新日期 | 2023.08.04 |

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