《婆沙論》三譯本及其成立=The Three Versions of Chinese Translations of the Vibhāṣā-Śāstra and their Formation |
著者 |
周柔含 (撰)=Chou, Jou-han (compose)
掲載誌 |
臺大佛學研究=Taiwan Journal of Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.15 |
出版年月日 | 2008.06 |
ページ | 1 - 44 |
出版者 | 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心=The Center for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:國科會人文學研究中心 |
キーワード | 《大毘婆沙論》=Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣā-Śāstra (Da-pi-po-sha-lun); 《毘曇婆沙論》=-Abhidharmavibhāṣā-Śāstra (Pi-tan-po-sha-lun); 《鞞婆沙論》=Vibhāṣā-Śāstra (pi-po-sha-lun); 四十二章十門=Forty-two Topics and Ten Gates; 迦膩色迦王=Kaniṣka; 譬喻者=Dārṣṭāntika |
抄録 | 本論文主旨在於透過比較《婆沙論》三譯本的結構和內容,並探討說一切有部毘婆沙師成立《婆沙論》的目的。從譯本內容的分析,可以確定現存14卷《鞞婆沙論》(T28. no. 1547)的主要內容是《婆沙論》「四十二章十門」中「十門」所釋義對象──「四十二章」。又,現存60卷《毘曇婆沙論》(T28. no. 1546)是經過重抄已譯好的百卷《毘曇婆沙論》,而被送到南朝劉宋王室的前六十卷。此外,《毘曇婆沙論》和《大毘婆沙論》(T27. no. 1545)並不是同本異譯,嚴格來說這二本應該是各自獨自存在的異本異譯。隨著時間的變遷,《婆沙論》被毘婆沙師加以修訂、廣加注釋。假設現存的《毘曇婆沙論》是《婆沙論》的「早期版」之一的話,那麼經後人修正、增添的《大毘婆沙論》則是「廣釋版」,而《鞞婆沙論》正是「四十二章十門」的「收錄流通本」。又,《婆沙論》的編集,毘婆沙師實質上已達到「解釋契經、毗奈耶,令疑者得決定」的編輯目的之外,為了確保有部中心地迦濕彌羅的地位,以及貶抑內部異論者,事實上才是編集《婆沙論》背後不可忽視的最大目的之一。
The aim of this article is to do a comparative study of the structure and contents of the three versions of the Chinese translation of Vibhāṣā-Śāstra (Po-sha-lun). This article also aims to investigate the purpose of the Vaibhāsikas of the Sarvāstivādin School in compiling the Vibhā?ā-?āstra (Po-sha-lun).By analysing the contents of the translated texts, we can confirm that the main content of the current Fourteen-Scrolls-Vibhāṣā-Śāstra (Pi-po-sha-lun) (T.28, No. 1547) is the 'Forty-two Topics'. These forty-two topics are explained by the teaching of 'Ten Gates', and this is found in the Chapter "Forty-two Topics and Ten Gates" of the Vibhāṣā-Śāstra (Po-sha-lun). On the other hand, the existing Sixty-Scrolls-Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣā-Śāstra (Pi-tan-po-sha-lun) (T.28, No. 1546) was the first sixty scrolls of the Hundred-Scrolls-Vibhāṣā-Śāstra that have already been translated. These sixty scrolls were copied and presented to the royal court of Liu Song in the Southern Dynasty.It is worth noting that the Sixty-Scrolls-Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣā-Śāstra (Pi-tan-po-sha-lun) and the Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣā-Śāstra(Da-pi-po-sha-lun) (T27, No. 1545) are not different versions of translations of the same Sanskrit text. Strictly speaking, they have their own origins and textual sources. Throughout the course of time, the Vibhā?ā-?āstra has been edited and added upon by commentaries of the Vaibhāsikas. While the original Sanskrit Sixty-Scrolls-Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣā-Śāstra (Pi-tan-po-sha-lun) can be regarded as an early version of the Vibhāṣā-Śāstra, the Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣā-Śāstra (Da-pi-po-sha-lun) can be seen as a product of the amended and expanded edition of the Vibhāṣā-Śāstra. As for the Fourteen-Scrolls-Vibhāṣā-Śāstra (pi-po-sha-lun), it can be seen as a widely circulated version of the “Forty-two Topics and Ten Gates”.With regards to the Vaibhāsikas’ aim in composing the Vibhāṣā-Śāstra, besides the practical goal of explaining and interpreting the Sūtra and Vinaya so that there was no uncertainty in the texts, there was a more important hidden aim. That aim was to ensure Vaibhāsikas’ political status as the doctrinal authority at Ka?mīra, the center of the Sarvāstivādin School, and to suppress the voices of rivals within the school. |
目次 | 一、《婆沙論》三譯本 5 二、《鞞婆沙論》的本體 8 (一)三譯本的對照 10 (二)「三重三摩地」之有無 14 (三)「五上分結」之有無 16 (四)「四十二章十門」 18 三、《毘曇婆沙論》 23 四、《大毘婆沙論》 27 (一)迦膩色迦王的結集 27 (二)《婆沙論》的編集 30 五、結論 38 |
ISSN | 10271112 (P) |
ヒット数 | 4516 |
作成日 | 2008.09.09 |
更新日期 | 2017.07.04 |

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