僧教育歟? 俗教育歟? -- 關於僧才培養的現代性思考=Buddhist Education or Secular Education ?: Modern Consideration on Personnel Training in Buddhism |
著者 |
段玉明 (著)=Duan, Yu-ming (au.)
掲載誌 |
宗教學研究=Studies on religion
巻号 | n.2 |
出版年月日 | 2008.06 |
ページ | 46 - 51 |
出版者 | 四川大學道教與宗教文化研究所 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 成都, 中國 [Chengdu, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:四川大學道教與宗教文化研究所 |
キーワード | 得人=getting talent; 僧才培養=personnel training in Buddhism; 僧教育=Buddhist education; 俗教育=secular education |
抄録 | 在某種意義上,可以說,中國佛教發展史就是一部「得人」史——「得人」,則興宗立派,光宗耀祖;不「得人」,則門庭冷落,影響式微。而「得人」之關鍵,則在教育。面對近代以來的歷史巨變,以寺院為基地的傳統僧才教育體系已明顯不適應於新的僧才培養要求。佛教作為一種影響巨大的宗教,一種博大精深的學問,一種無所不在的文化,要求新的僧才培養以僧教育為本、俗教育為枝,兩面開展,兼收並蓄,庶可使佛教更真地、更深地契入當代的社會文化生活之中。
To some extent, we say the development history of Chinese Buddhism is the history of "getting talent" that means the rising of sects and school, bringing honor to one's ancestors, otherwise, it will be little visited and affected. The key to "get talent" is education. Confronting the radical change in modern society, the traditional system of Buddhist education that is based on temple can not suit new request for personnel training of Buddhism. As a great influential religion with profound scholarship and pervasive culture, Buddhism demands a new system of personnel training that takes Buddhist education as a stem and secular education as a branch, which incorporates two things of diverse nature and makes Buddhism more truly and deeply enter into contemporary social and cultural life. |
目次 | 一 46 二 47 三 48 四 49 五 50 |
ISSN | 10061312 (P); 10061312 (E) |
ヒット数 | 760 |
作成日 | 2008.12.26 |
更新日期 | 2019.11.18 |

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