北宋惠洪及其《禪林僧寶傳》=Huihong of the Northern Song Dynasty in China and His Famous Chan Masters in Buddhist Temples |
著者 |
楊曾文 (著)=Yang, Zeng-wen (au.)
掲載誌 |
江西師範大學學報 (哲學社會科學版)=Jounal of Jiangxi Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
巻号 | v.37 n.1 |
出版年月日 | 2004.01 |
ページ | 26 - 29 |
出版者 | 江西師範大學學報雜誌社 |
出版地 | 南昌, 中國 [Nanchang, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者單位:中國社會科學院世界宗教研究所 |
キーワード | 北宋=Northern Song; 惠洪=Huihong; 禪林僧寶傳=Famous Chan Masters in Buddhist Temples |
抄録 | 惠洪是著作豐碩的一位學者型禪僧。《禪林僧寶傳》是在舊有燈錄之外別撰記載禪門五宗著名禪師「前言往行」的新型禪宗史書,不僅為叢林說法參禪提供前代的事例、可以用以啟示學人的公案語錄,而且由於記載了很多活躍於晚唐至北宋社會著名禪僧的傳記及他們與士大夫之間密切交往的事跡,為後世了解當時社會文化也提供了極為珍貴的歷史資料。
Huihong was a Buddhist monk who wrote lots of books on Buddhist monks and had great attainments in it. Famous Chan Masters in Buddhist Temples is a new historical book. It records lots of biographies of famous Chan masters who were active in society from the late Tang Dynasty to the Northern Song in China and deeds which they had close contact with literati and officialdom, providing precious historical information for descendants to understand social culture at that time. |
目次 | 一、惠洪生平與著作 26 二、《禪林僧寶傳》28 |
ISSN | 1000579X (P) |
ヒット数 | 987 |
作成日 | 2009.03.04 |
更新日期 | 2020.03.25 |

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