論《像法決疑經》在隋唐的流傳及其時代意義=A Discussion of the Circulation of 'Hsiang Fa Chueh Yi Sutra' in Suei & Tang Dynasties and Its Epochal Significance |
著者 |
王晴慧 (著)=Wang, Ching-huei (au.)
掲載誌 |
玄奘人文學報=Hsuan Chuang Humanities Journal
巻号 | n.5 |
出版年月日 | 2005.07.01 |
ページ | 147 - 198 |
出版者 | 玄奘人文社會學院=Hsuan Chuang University |
出版地 | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 像法決疑經; 疑僞經; 大正藏; 敦煌寫卷; 造像; 悲田; 敬田 |
抄録 | 自道安制經錄開始,中國古代的佛教僧人與學者,向來把那些來自印度(梵文)或西域(胡語)並譯成漢文的佛經稱爲真經,而把中國人自己假託佛言所造的經稱爲疑僞經。這些產生自本土,假托佛言的疑僞真經,歷史初忽視其存在價值,而乏人問津。然有些疑僞經具有不叫藝滅的價值,不僅體現了那個時代的史實面貌反映了當時的社會狀況,並且經中所書寫的義理並不悖離佛理,深爲當時某些高僧所看重,例如今收錄於大丁藏第八十五冊古逸部疑似部的《像法決疑經》。由於歷來對此經的研究並不多見,加以此經充分地反映了南北朝暨隋唐時期的某些社會狀況,頗值探討,故本文擬由此經切入,考察其於隋唐時期之流傳狀況,並由其經文內容推溯此經產生緣由及南北朝暨隋唐的社會狀況,以揭示此經所具之時代意義。
Ever since Dao-An began to compile the bibliography of Buddhist texts, the Buddhist monks and scholars in ancient China had always called the Buddhist scriptures translated from Sanskrit of India or Turkish of Chinese Turkestan (western regions of ancient China) as tire True Sutra and referred to those texts forged by Chinese people in the name of Buddha as Suspicious Forged Soya. The Suspicious Forged Sates, a native product sad in the name of Buddha, has been neglected for years However, the value of certain suspicious texts is undeniable because they not only truly reflect the historical facts and the social conditions at that time, but also do act betray the Buddhist principles. Some eminent monks even thought highly of them and 'Hsiang Fa Chueh Yi Sates' collected in Gu Yi Bu & Yi Si Bu (A Section of missing or suspicious forged sutras in old ages) of Ta Cheng Sutra, Vol. 85 is one of many examples. As there are not many studies on this scripture and certain serial conditions in Suei and Tang dynasties was fully reflected in this book, more investigations should be made, Therefore, circulation of this scripture in Suei and Tang dynasties will be examined in the content of the scripture with a view to research and the origin antisocial situations from Nan Pen to Suei and Tang dynasties will be traced and explored via the content of the scripture with a view to revealing the epochal significance this scripture represents. |
目次 | 壹、前言 149 貳、《像法決疑經》敘錄 149 參、《像法決疑經》在隋唐的流傳與影響 153 肆、從《像法決疑經》內容分析其時代意義 157 伍、結論 162 附錄一:大正藏、敦煌寫本英藏 S.2075、法藏 P2087 及房山石經《佛說像法決疑經》原文對校表 163 附錄二:各本經文互校後之《佛說像法決疑經》參考定本 189 附錄三 194
ISSN | 18156541 (P) |
DOI | 10.29956/HCHJ.200507.0006 |
ヒット数 | 965 |
作成日 | 2009.10.30 |
更新日期 | 2019.12.16 |

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