探討佛教藥師經共修對婦女更年期困擾症狀與經絡之成效=The Effects of Buddhist Music Treatment on Meridian and Perimenopausal Disturbance among Perimenopausal Women |
著者 |
陳淑萍 (著)=Chen, Shu-ping (au.)
出版年月日 | 2008 |
ページ | 86 |
出版者 | 國立台北護理學院中西醫結合護理研究所 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
学位 | 修士 |
学校 | 國立臺北護理學院 |
学部・学科名 | 中西醫結合護理研究所 |
指導教官 | 劉吉豐 |
卒業年 | 97 |
キーワード | 更年期=menopause; 佛教共修; 音療=music therapy; 更年期困擾症狀=menopausal symptom; 良導絡=Ryodoraku; 經絡=Meridian; Buddhism |
抄録 | 更年期是人生自然的過渡期,也是“處於健康多變化的時期”,容易引起身心許多不適症狀,因此其健康問題,應予相當關注與重視。本研究探討佛教共修對婦女更年期困擾症狀、經絡系統影響之成效,本研究採類實驗(Quasi-Experimental)研究設計,採方便取樣,篩選符合收案條件之個案,以台北縣新莊市佛光山擇善寺為實驗組收案場所,以台北市某婦女團體為控制組收案場所。控制組不給予任何措施,實驗組需接受佛教共修(藥師經咒音樂)介入措施,每月3次,每次時間為19:30-21:30,約為2小時之共修時間,總計共修次數共12次。但因每個人共修次數不同,故將實驗組分為A、B二組。A組為共修次數<=9次;B組為共修次數>9次。A組人數20人;B組人數22人,總計實驗組共42人、控制組共30人。共修前、後測以更年期困擾症狀量表及經絡系統之結果作為成效依據。研究結果顯示:在佛教共修措施介入後,實驗組「經絡值平均值」與「更年期困擾症狀量表」經檢定顯示在統計上有顯著差異。故本研究證實佛教共修(藥師經咒音樂)介入可有效改善更年期婦女之更年期困擾症狀及經絡臟腑虛實狀況,提供中西醫結合之健康照護參考依據。
Menopause is the natural transitional period of life, and "a period of change in health system", which will lead to many physical and psychological symptoms, so more attention should be paid to the health problems during this period. This study investigated the effectiveness of Buddhist-music treatment on the climacteric symptoms and the impact on the meridian system of Perimenopausal women. We adopted the Quasi-Experimental research design for our study, using convenience sampling as the screening method for eligible cases. The experimental group (n = 42) received intervention of Buddhist Music 3 times per month, from 19:30-21:30 of about 2 hours duration each time, for a total of 12 times. The control group (n = 30) did not receive any intervention. Subjects with the total number of study times <=9 was assgined to subgroup A(n=20), while those with the total number of study times >9 was assigned to subgroup B(n=22). The effect on the climacteric symptoms and on the meridian system before and after the intervention were evaluated, and the results served as a basis of the effectiveness of the measures. After the intervention of Buddhist Music treatment, there were a stastiscally significant difference in the average meridial values and menopause distress scale Our study showed Buddhist music study may help to improve the menopausal symptoms and the actual situation of the Meridians and body organs. |
ヒット数 | 507 |
作成日 | 2009.12.01 |
更新日期 | 2015.08.18 |

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