

The Lonely Eco-fight of Jiyul Sunim: The Green Resonance of a Humans and Salamanders=Jiyul法師的生態保衛戰 -- 一個人類與蜥蜴的綠色共鳴
著者 趙恩秀 (著)=Cho, Eun-su (au.)
掲載誌 國際佛教善女人大會(第11屆)=Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women(11th)
出版者Sakyadhita: the international association of buddhist women
出版サイト http://www.sakyadhita.org/
出版地HCM City, Vietnam [胡志明市, 越南]
資料の種類會議論文=Proceeding Article
言語中文=Chinese; 英文=English
ノート會議地點:越南胡志明市;時間:2009.12.18 - 2010.01.03;大會主題:傑出的女性修行者與典範=Eminent Buddhist Women
抄録This paper introduces and explores Jiyul Sunim’s effort to protect nature and environment in Korea, an undertaking necessitated by the widespread, rapid industrialization and growth in modern Korea. Jiyul Sunim is a Buddhist nun of Naewonsa, a monastery located in Mt. Ch’onsong, where a controversial 13 kilometer express-train tunnel was being constructed. If constructed, the tunnel will link Korea's two major cities, Seoul and Pusan, in a two-hour high-speed train trip. It will also, however, cause irreparable damage to the environment and ecosystems of Mt. Cheonsung, as well as threaten the livelihood of numerous species of plant and animal life.

In 2004, Jinyul Sunim filed a “non-human” class action suit – an unprecedented case in the South Korean legal system – on behalf of Clawed Salamanders, a rare amphibious species found on the mountain, demanding the government suspend the tunnel project. After a long course of futile negotiations tainted with a number of breached promises, she began a fast-unto-death protest earlier this year in 2005 for 100 days. Jiyul Sunim’s fight for nature is exemplified by her Green Resonance Movement. Envisioned and developed by Jiyul Sunim, it maintains the belief that all things in life are inter-connected, and that, if one part of nature is broken, then all parts of nature are broken. The movement has become a spiritual inspiration to Korean feminist movements, as it practices the principles of eco-feminism, and embraces the maternal powers of the earth as a way to bring peace and balance to our planet.

I will examine the broad implications of Jinyul Sunim’s movement for Korean society and also will argue that her vision and action are fundamentally based on her Buddhist teachings and practices, specifically the Huayuan doctrine of dependent causality. The Green Resonance Movement is intended to raise awareness and sensitivity about our own reciprocity of being, as it is inherently connected to nature. Her exceptionally visual presentations in photo journals and other digital media represent her holistic vision of the Buddhist world. Moreover, her undertaking of religious activities like fasting and a recent one-month pilgrimage by foot in the Nakdong River area are related to Buddhist conception of the body.

此篇文章主要介紹及探討Jiyul比丘尼為保護韓國自然環境所做的努力,尤其在現今全面快速工業與現代化的韓國,使得Jiyul比丘尼所從事的這項工作成為必需之事。Jiyul比丘尼是內院寺(Naewonsa)的佛教僧尼,這間寺院座落於天松山(Mt. Cheonsong),那裡正在建造一條長達13公里頗具爭議的高鐵隧道。若建造完成,此條隧道將會連接韓國兩大主要城市,從首爾到釜山只需短短2個小時。但相對地,也將對天松山(Mt. Cheonsong)的環境與生態系統造成無法彌補的傷害,甚至會威脅到許多動、植物的生存。

2004年Jinyul比丘尼代表火蜥蜴提出一項“非人類”的集體訴訟(“non-human” action class suit); 這在南韓法律上是史無前例的。火蜥蜴是一種在山中被發現的稀有兩棲品種,這項訴訟是為了要求政府停止隧道開發計畫以保護火蜥蜴的生存環境。然而,經過一段長時間的無效協商與無數次的毀約後,她在2005年初開始了長達100天的絕食抗議。Jiyul比丘尼為維護自然所做的奮鬥成為其綠色共鳴運動的先例。在Jiyul比丘尼的領導策劃下,其信念是所有眾生皆是相互連結的,因此,若自然的其中一個部分被破壞,那麼,之後其他的部分也會因此毀壞。這個運動成為韓國男女平等運動的精神指標,因為它實踐了生態平等的原則,且運用母性的力量為我們的地球帶來和平與和諧。

我將檢視Jinyul比丘尼所發起的運動對韓國社會的廣大意涵,以及探討她建立在佛學和修行基礎上的見解與行為,特別是相互依存、因果關係的華嚴教義(Huayuan doctrine)。綠色共鳴運動是為了喚起我們與自然相互連結的意識與感受。照片期刊與其他數位媒體呈現了Jinyul比丘尼的完整佛教見解。此外,她所從事的宗教活動如齋戒及最近在洛東江(Nakdong River)區域所進行的一個月徒步朝聖之旅皆符合佛教對身體的概念。

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