

Buddhist Women Beyond Borders=跨越藩籬的佛教女眾
著者 Chang, Christie Yu-ling (著)=張玉玲 (au.)
掲載誌 國際佛教善女人大會(第11屆)=Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women(11th)
出版者Sakyadhita: the international association of buddhist women
出版サイト http://www.sakyadhita.org/
出版地HCM City, Vietnam [胡志明市, 越南]
資料の種類會議論文=Proceeding Article
言語中文=Chinese; 英文=English
ノート會議地點:越南胡志明市;時間:2009.12.18 - 2010.01.03;大會主題:傑出的女性修行者與典範=Eminent Buddhist Women
抄録Throughout history, there has been a tradition of brave Buddhist women pioneers crossing borders, breaking boundaries, and establishing new territories. This tradition begins with the legacy of Mahaprajapati, who walked, together with five hundred women, beyond the boundaries of the palace to follow the Buddha’s path. Time and again, we see Buddhist women continuing this dissident tradition, despite innumerable obstacles that have come their way. Imagine the travels of Princess Sanghamitra, who made her way from India to Sri Lanka, carrying with her a sapling from the bodhi tree, to transmit the bhiksuni lineage to the women of this beautiful island. Imagine the groups of bhiksunis who traveled for two years by sea all the way from Sri Lanka to China back in the 5th century CE to pass on the bhikhuni lineage to their Chinese sisters at the other end of the ocean. In the 20th and 21st centuries, we again witness eminent Buddhist women pioneers flying beyond borders and starting brand new Buddhist communities outside their homelands. Even when they may not speak the local language well and may have to start everything literally from scratch, they appear unstoppable.

This paper hopes to continue the documentation of the brave Buddhist women who have gone beyond borders of various types in the contemporary era. As a linguist, I have always been especially intrigued by the nature and role that language plays in human communications. Therefore, I will examine the role of language of these eminent Buddhist women’s works and lives, how they manage to break through boundaries with or without language expertise, and how they manage to build transnational networks. I will focus particularly on Bhiksuni Hiuwan (1912-2004) and Bhiksunis Suimiao (1922-1998), two eminent Buddhist nuns who left their homelands in Guangdong (or Canton) and Fujian (or Hokkian), China, respectively, and examine how they managed to create transnational legacies, despite their noticeable disadvantages in the use of local languages. In addition to sharing my own participant observations, I will present the results of interviews with people who personally encountered Bhiksuni Hiuwan and Bhiksuni Suimiao. Eventually, I hope to use these two examples to initiate a project documenting the various methods of speaking/communication employed by eminent Buddhist women in different speech communities. In this way, I anticipate that our understanding of the nature of language may lead us to a new level of understanding about how language use may be integrated into Dharma practice.

從古至今,勇敢的佛教女眾先驅跨越了國界、打破了界限並建立起嶄新的版圖。這樣的聖傳起於摩訶波闍波提(Mahaprajapati)的精神傳承而來,她打破了皇宮的藩籬,與500名女眾不捨離地跟隨著佛陀的腳步,由此可見,佛教女眾即使遭逢無數的困境仍堅守著受爭議的傳統精神。想像僧伽蜜多(Sanghamitra)從印度帶著菩提樹苖來到斯里蘭卡(Sri Lanka),向這美麗島嶼的女性散佈比丘尼精神。再想像這群比丘尼從斯里蘭卡出發,在海上航行長達2年之久,於5世紀時抵達中國,向海另一端的中國女性傳遞比丘尼精神。在20、21世紀之際,又再次見識到傑出佛教女眾先驅飛越國界,在他們家鄉外開始了創新的佛教社群。就算無法以流利的當地語言溝通,必須一字一句地從頭開始,她們也無懼於任何阻礙。


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