

著者 曹仕邦 (著)=Tso, Sze-bong (au.)
掲載誌 中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
ページ261 - 300
出版者中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies
出版サイト http://www.chibs.edu.tw/publication_tw.php?id=12
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
言語中文=Chinese; 英文=English
キーワード陳垣; 陳援菴; 中國佛教史籍
抄録研究中國佛教史的學人們很少未讀過陳援菴 (垣,1880
~ 1971) 先生的《中國佛教史籍概論》的. 由於這部書對自
路線. 然而,書中介紹的全屬最重要的史籍嗎? 仕邦發現除
了順序排列第一至第八種外,都並非必讀的重要典籍. 尤
值不高的二手史料,有些更非「史籍」; 且對研究佛教史
毫無用處! 陳援菴先生所以仍介紹它們原因是:(1) 為表現
自己的學問 (尤其目錄學和版本學) 的淵博,(2) 為表現自
己在抗日期間的愛國精神,(3) 為糾正《四庫全書總目提要
》介紹某一佛教典籍時所犯的錯誤. 總之,陳援菴先生並非

In his work Chung-kuo Fo-chiao Shih-chi Kai-lun
(中國佛教史籍概論 or 'An Outline of Chinese
Buddhist Historical Works'),late Professor Ch'en
`Yuan` (陳垣,1880-1971) outlines detailly each one
the contents of the thirty-five Buddhist historical
works that he chosen. These works are composed by
the Chinese Buddhist cleric or laymen during a long
period from the 5th to the 17th centries A.D. As his
work bibliographically suggests an useful guide
for the self-teaching students of Buddhist history
to find the certain texts they needed for their
researches, the late Professor had already
contributed a great many in promulgating the study
of this field in modern China. Owing to the guidance
of the late Professor,numerous junior students,
including the author himself,therefore found their
own way to enter the gate of Chinese Buddhist
history and then they are enable to publish their
own research works.

After having read through the entire 35 Buddhist
'historical works' following the guidance of the
late Professor,the author has a different view of
his work. As the late Professor stresses in his
preface that he outlines these 'historical works' in
order to "guide the students to enter a new field
for the research of Buddhist history",therefore,
the works that he chosed to outline should have been
the basic texts a student should have to read them
through. According to the author's observation,
except from work 1 to work 8 in accordance with the
serial order that arranged in the late Professor's
book are the basic texts for a student to read
through, while work 9 is an useful Buddhist
encyclopedia; works 15,16,24,26 and 34 are the
foundamental texts for the history of Ch'an (禪)
Buddhism with works 20 and 21 for the history of the
T'ien-t'ai (天臺) Buddhism; the others are not the
basic texts.

Moreover,among the above-mentioned non-basic
texts, some of them are in fact full with errors and
inacculate descriptions, some of them are but the
second hand materials. Furthermore,some of them are
even entirely not historical works and without any
usage for historical researches.

Why should late Professor Ch'en `Yuan` have to
recommand such works to the self-teaching students?
The author found that he would have been under the
following purposes:

(1) Through the outlining of these works, he
demonstrates his vesatility in different academic

(2) Through the outlining of these works, some-
times he inserts opinions to comment the past as a
way of satirizing the present. As he has been
trapped in the Japanese occupied Peking during the
Sino-Japanese War,he protests his patriotism
through his work in that period.

(3) Through the outlining of these works, he
critises the error that committed by the Ssu-k'u
`Ch'uan-shu` Tsung-mu T'i-yao (四庫全書總目提要
or 'An Outline to the Classified Books in Four Main
Fields Edited under the Imperial Decreed of the
Ch'ing Dynasty') as a way of challenging the later.
As the above-mentioned 'An Outline to the Classified
Books...' is an authorized and influental academic
work in the bibliographical field,the late
Professor Challenges its authority by pointing out
each error that it committed when outlining some
certain Buddhist scriptures. In this situation,some
ISSN10177132 (P)

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