《阿含經》集成與大乘經典源流的研究=A Study of the Collection of Agamas and the Origin of Mahayana Sutras |
著者 |
林崇安 (著)=Lin, Chung-an (au.)
掲載誌 |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.4 |
出版年月日 | 1991.07 |
ページ | 1 - 28 |
出版者 | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
キーワード | 阿含經; 大乘經典; 經典結集=Sutra's collection; 王舍城經典結集=Sutra's collection; 毗舍離經典結集=Sutra's collection; 犢子; 經典結集=Sutra's collection; 華氏城結集 |
抄録 | 本文引用南北傳的相關資料,探討《阿含經》在不同結 集中的變化及大乘經典的源流. 文中敘及:
1. 釋尊所開示的教法中,即已有相應及增一阿含經的雛型. 2. 釋尊因材施教,在中,晚年時,將其教法歸攝為九分教或 十二分教,其中含有「方廣」. 3. 王舍城結集時,先結集經藏而後結集律藏,此中經藏是以 聲聞教法的蘊,處,緣起,食,諦,界等等事為範圍,依 次結集出相應,中,長,增一等四阿含,由於方廣的「經 大」與「事異」而不結集在內. 4. 毗舍離結集時,先結集律藏而後結集經藏,此中經藏依次 結集長,中,相應,增一及雜藏等五部. 5. 其後聲聞僧眾因義理之諍,及受到大乘方廣思想的衝擊 ,形成四聖部,此中犢子部的上座在佛滅二百年首先結集 出論藏. 6. 在華氏城結集時,依次結集律藏,經藏與論藏,此中經藏 依長,中,相應,增一及雜藏等五部來結集,並將各《阿 含經》內部的次序大幅調整,刪減重複,且使與優波離下 傳的律藏內容一致,形成南傳五部的精簡風格. 7. 由於結集及師資傳承的不同,形成七種不同排列的四或五 阿含,並可看出說有部不屬於毗舍離結集的會內上座系統 . 8. 聲聞的阿含經與大乘的方廣經,二者主源自佛說或佛所 印可.
Based on the related canons of the northward- and southward-spreading Buddhism,the collection of `agamas` during different Councils and the origion of the `Mahayana` `sutras` are studied.
It is pointed out that (1) the initial format of Samyukta and Ekottara has been used by Shakyamuni Buddha in teaching Dharma. (2) At Buddha's middle and old ages, the Buddha concluded the teachings as nine or twelve branches of scripture which include Vast Texts (Vaipulya). (3) In the first Council at Rajagrha, the set of `sutra` are collected in the order of Samyukta, Madhyama, Dirgha and Ekottara `agamas`,then the set of vinaya are collected. The content of the set of `sutra` is limited to the topics of aggregates, sources, dependent arising and so forth, whereas the Vast Texts are not included due to their large volume and different purpose. (4) In the second Council at Vaisali,the set of vinaya are collected first,then the set of `sutra` are collected in the order of Dirgha, Madhyama, Samyukta, Ekottara and Ksudraka `agamas`. (5)After the second Council,sanghas are divided into Four Saint Groups (Sthaviravadinas, Mahasamghikas, Vatsiputriyas, Sarvastivadinas) due to the debate of the meaning of the Dharma and the impact of the philosophy of Vast Texts. The set of abhidharma are collected by the sthaviras of Vatsiputriyas 200 years after the Nirvana of the Buddha. (6) In the Council at Pataliputra, the set of vinaya, `sutra` and abhidharma are collected in succession,whereas the set of `sutra` is collected in the order of Dirgha, Madhyama, Samyukta, Ekottara and Ksudraka `agamas`. The internal orders of the `sutra` in each `agamas` are rearranged,the overlapping parts of the `sutras` among different `agamas` are eliminated,and the sentences in the set of `sutra` are adjusted so that they are consistent with those of the vinaya as recited by Upali. (7) Because of the influence of the Councils and the difference of lineages, seen different orders of `agamas` are formed. We note that the school of Sarvastivadinas is not a branch of the Sthaviravadinas of the Vaisali Council. (8) The essential parts of the `agamas` and the `Mahayana` Vast Texts are the words spoken by the Buddha or agreed by the Buddha.
In this paper,related scriptures are quoted successively support the above statements. |
ISSN | 10177132 (P) |
ヒット数 | 2111 |
作成日 | 2001.06.06
更新日期 | 2017.06.15 |

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