著者 |
掲載誌 |
華岡佛學學報=Hwakang Buddhist Journal
巻号 | n.5 |
出版年月日 | 1981.12 |
ページ | 357 - 375 |
出版者 | 中華學術院佛學研究所 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為文化大學哲學研究所博士班研究生 |
キーワード | 竺道生; 佛性; 涅槃; 感應觀; 中國佛教 |
抄録 | 竺道生 (? --四三四),俗姓魏氏,原籍鉅鹿 (河北省平鄉縣) 人,而寄居彭城 (江蘇省銅山縣). 大約十歲,即依名僧竺法汰出家. 曾隨僧伽提婆研習有部之學,並受學鳩摩羅什深得般若之旨. 高僧傳本傳謂其「常以入道之要,慧解為本. 故鑽仰群經,斟酌雜論,萬里隨法,不憚疲苦」,故得以攝受涵泳空有兩宗的學說,以建構獨特的思想. 本文即就佛性觀,感應觀,涅槃觀三方面,探就其思想的理論基礎.
Chu Tao-sheng(?--434 A.D.),surnamed Wei before he was ordained,was born in 'Chu-lu' (now P'ing-hsiang County of Hopei Province)and took residence in P'eng-ch'eng (now T'ung-shan County of Kiangsu Province). He left the home life with the famous monk Chu Fa-t'ai when he was around ten years old. Later,he studied `Sarvastivada` with `Sanghadeva`, and learned the essence of `Prajna` from `Kumarajiva`. According to the Biologies of High Monks (高僧傳 ),he regarded wisdom and understanding as a prerequisite for realizing enlightenment; therefore,he delved in all the `sutras` and `sastras`,and untiringly traveled thousands of miles in pursuit of Dharma-learning. He was so well- versed in both the `Sunyata` and the Dharma- `laksana` sects that he was able to form his own system of thought. This paper is a study of the theoretical basis of his philosophy in relation to his views on Buddha Nature,mystical experience and `Nirvana`. |
目次 | 一、佛性觀 357 二、感應觀 363 三、涅槃觀 368
ヒット数 | 1478 |
作成日 | 1998.07.22
更新日期 | 2017.08.22 |

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