著者 |
掲載誌 |
華岡佛學學報=Hwakang Buddhist Journal
巻号 | n.6 |
出版年月日 | 1983.07 |
ページ | 227 - 276 |
出版者 | 中華學術院佛學研究所 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為台灣大學哲學系副教授 |
キーワード | 宗密; 判教=教判=classification of Buddhist teachings; 圓覺經; 原人論; 如來藏; 華嚴宗; 禪教一致; 禪宗 |
抄録 | 密宗大師,身兼教,禪二宗祖師:教逢圓覺,並傳華嚴 大法,知見體系,均依四祖清涼國師; 禪遇南宗頓悟門的荷 澤宗,大弘圓頓教. 因他所處時代,禪,教學者互相抵毀, 遂著《禪源諸詮集》,寫錄諸家所述,詮表禪門思想根源, 道理文字句偈,集為一藏; 會相歸性,以教證禪,直指心源 ,普令頓悟; 依修斷法,獲證入理,提綱挈領,如指諸掌. 以教三種,證禪三宗:謂密意依性說相教,即屬息妄修心宗 ,依祖師言教,息滅妄念,念盡則心性覺悟,無所不知,無 所不了; 密意破相顯性教,即屬泯絕無寄宗,以內外一切 泯絕,究竟空無所寄為空真如的思想; 顯示真心即性教,屬 於直顯心性宗,以妄念本寂,塵境本空,空寂之心,靈知不 昧為真性. 由此而創立「教禪一致論」的學風特色. 本文從 其生平著作談起進而《原人論》的思想結構與內容,圓覺經 思想理路之探究,承繼華嚴宗脈的思想,而落實到其學風特 色的「禪教一致論」,促成宋代理學的先河.
Master Tsung-mi was a patriarch of the Ch'an as well as the philosophical branch of Buddhism. Philosophically,he was well versed in the Round Enlightenment `Sutra` and the Hua Yen `Sutra` and based his thoughts on the instructions of Master `Ching-liang`,the fourth patriarch of the Hua Yen School. As far as the Ch'an School is concerned,he inherited the southern instantaneous Ho-tse Sect. At his times, the scholars of Ch'an and philosophical schools often came into conflict and mutual vilification. To remedy this situation,he wrote his Ch'an Yuan Chu Chuan Chi (A Collection of Explanations of the Origins of Ch'an),relating the theories of various schools to the origins of Ch'an. He matched three philosophical theories with three sects of Ch'an,and created his own "Theory of the Unity of Teaching (philosophy) and Meditation (Ch'an)," which came to be a special feature of his thoughts.
This article starts with the Master's life and writings. Then it proceeds to the structure and content of Yuan Jen Lun (The Theory of the Origins of Man); then to the philosophical system of the Round Enlightenment `Sutra`,which is a continuation of the Hua Yen system. Finally the Theory of the Unity of Teaching and Meditation,which constitutes the Master's scholastic feature and also a forerunner of the Neo-Confucianism of the Sung Dynasty,is discussed. |
目次 | 一、序言 227 二、宗密大師的生平與著作 230 三、宗密大師「原人論」的思想結構與內容 232 四、宗密對「圓覺經」思想理路的探究 240 (一)圓覺經的教起因緣 240 (二)圓覺經的宗旨與經義 242 (三)對如來藏的見解 244 (四)由一心展開對五教的解釋 245 (五)圓覺經之五性說 246 (六)本經以表法顯德 247 五、宗密大師承繼華嚴宗脈之思想 249 1. 宗密承繼華嚴的判教主張 249 2. 宗密註「華嚴法界觀」及「普賢行願品」 252 六、宗密大師的禪教一致論 258 (一)禪的三宗 262 (二)教的三種 264 七、結論 267
ヒット数 | 1549 |
作成日 | 1998.07.22
更新日期 | 2017.08.17 |

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