三法中的「所知」與「所識」之研究 -- 以《阿毘達摩集論》為中心=The Theories of "Jneya"(所知)and "Vijneya"(所識)in the Three Dharmas from the Viewpoint of the Abhidharma-samuccaya |
著者 |
葉阿月 =Yeh, Ah-yueh
掲載誌 |
國立臺灣大學哲學論評=National Taiwan University Philosophical Review
巻号 | n.8 |
出版年月日 | 1985.01 |
ページ | 37-64 |
出版者 | 國立臺灣大學哲學系=NTU Philosophy Department |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 所知; 所識; 阿毘達磨集論; 唯識學; 無著; 三法; 十三智 |
抄録 | It is well known that the Three Dharmas (rupa-skandha, dharma-dhatu and mana-ayatana),not only represent the Five-skandas, Eighteen-dhatus and Twelve-ayatanas, but also contain the all dharmas, therefore,Asanga, the author of the Abhidharma-samuccaya (AS) chose the "Three-dharmas" for the name of the first chapter of his AS.
Although there are many quotations and explanations from the texts of the Abhidharma and Vijnanavadin in the As, they are organized scientifically and explained systematically with the Mahayana-theories of Vaipuly (方廣) dharma. Especially the two famous Buddhist technical terms "jneya" (所知) and "vijneya" (所識) appear not only the texts of Abhidharma and Yogacara-bhumi,but also in the second subsection of the "Three dharmas",the first chapter of the AS with some special meanings.
Therefore,in this paper I compare the theories of these two terms of the AS with other texts, and then explain some subjects from the viewpoint of the AS as follows:(1) The position of the Three dharmas in the AS. (2) The meanings and characteristics of the "jneya" and "vijneya". (3) The different meanings between the "jneya-dharma"and "jneya-vastu". (4) The relations of the "jneya- dharma" and thirteen jnanas (十三智). (5) The characteristics and meanings of "vijneya" (所識).
In conclution,it can be said that the Three dharmas. Five dharmas and the Three natures (parikalpita-svabhava, paratantra-svabhava and parinispanna- svabhava) are altogether under the name of "jneya" of object,or dharma etc,which represents the all dharmas in this world to be known or investigated by us for the purpose to find out the theories of anatman. Especially,the theories of "vijneya" in the AS are different from the other texts, which show that the special characteristics and activities of alaya-vijnana and the other six consciousness, are also to be perceived or recognized by us, and altogether for the purpose to forsake the adherances of the "janaka" (知者),"pasyaka" (見者) and "drastr" (能 見者) as the atman. When we understand the Vijnanavadin's theories of the sunyata (空性),and practice the Bodhisattva's ways, we can not only purify our minds, but also carry out the welfare works for all people and contries; thus the highest purpose of the Vijnanavadin. The PEACE OF THE WORLD will be accomplished.
目次 | 一. 三法在《集論》上的位置 二. 三法與所知的意義與特質 三. 所知法與所知事之同異點 四. 所知法與十三智的關係 五. 所識的意義與特質 六. 結論 |
ISSN | 10158995 (P) |
ヒット数 | 1880 |
作成日 | 2000.10.11
更新日期 | 2017.08.18 |

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