

佛陀的啟示=What the Buddha Taught(Tripitakavaagii`svaraachaarya)
著者 Walpola Rahuala=化普樂・羅侯羅 ; 顧法嚴=Ku, Fa-yen
出版者慧炬出版社=Torch of Wisdom Publishing House
出版サイト http://netcity2.web.hinet.net/userdata/tow/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
言語中文=Chinese; 英文=English
ノートEditions:1st edition 6th printing; 1st edition:1983.11, Taiwan. Series:Hui Chu Wen Ku, 5003. With a Foreword by Paul Demieville and a collection of illustrative texts translated from the original Pali. 版次:初版6刷; 初版:1983.11.集叢:慧炬文庫, 5003.
キーワードBuddha and Buddhism;Doctrines;
第一章 佛教的宗教態度
第二章 四聖諦
第三章 第二聖諦:集諦 -- 苦之生起
第四章 第三聖諦:滅諦 -- 苦的止息
第五章 第四聖諦:道諦
第六章 無我論
第七章 修習:心智的培育
第八章 佛的教誨與今日世界

Table of Contents
CHAPTER I The Buddhist Attitude of Mind
Man is supreme -- One is one's refuge -- Responsibility -- Doubt -- Freedom of Thought -- Tolerance -- Is Buddhism Religion or Philosophy? -- Truth has no label -- No blind faith or belief,but seeing and understanding -- No attachment even to Truth -- Parable of the raft -- Imaginary speculations useless -- Practical attitude -- Parable of the wounded man

CHAPTER II The First Noble Truth:Dukkha
Buddhism neither pessimistic nor optimistic,but realistic -- Meaning of 'Dukkha' -- Three aspects of experience -- Three aspects of 'Dukkha' -- What is a 'being'? -- Five Aggregates -- No spirit opposed to matter -- Flux -- Thinker and Thought -- Has life a beginning?

CHAPTER III The Second Noble Truth:Samudaya:'The Arising of Dukkha'
Definition -- Four Nutriments -- Roots cause of suffering and continuity -- Nature of arising and cessation -- Karma and Rebirth -- What is death? -- What is rebirth?

CHAPTER IV The Third Noble Truth:Nirodha:'The Cessation of Dukkha'
What is Nirvaa.na? -- Language and Absolute Truth -- Definitions of Nirvaa.na -- Nirvaa.na not negative -- Nirvaa.na as Absolute Truth -- What is Absolute Truth? -- Truth is not negative -- Nirvaa.na and Sa.msaara -- Nirvaa.na not a result -- What is there after Nirvaa.na? -- Incorrect expressions -- What happens to an Arahant after death/ -- If no Self,who realizes Nirvaa.na? -- Nirvaa.na in this life

CHAPTER V The Fourth Noble Truth:Megga:'The Path'
Middle Path or Noble Eightfold Path -- Compassion and Wisdom -- Ethical Conduct -- Mental Discipline -- Wisdom -- Two sorts of Understanding -- Four Functions regarding the Four Noble Truths

CHAPTER VI The Doctrine of No-Soul:Anatta
What is Soul or Self? -- God and Soul; Self-protection and Self-preservation -- Teaching 'Against the Current' -- Analytical and Synthetical methods -- Conditioned Genesis -- Question of Free-will -- Two kinds of Truths -- Some erroneous views -- The Buddha definitely denies 'Atman' -- The Buddha's silence -- The idea of Self:a vague impression -- Correct attitude -- If no Self,who gets the result of Karma? -- Doctrine of Anatta not negative

CHAPTER VII 'Meditation' or Mental Culture:Bhaavanaa
Erroneous views -- Meditation is no escape from life -- Two forms of Meditation -- The Setting-up of Mindfulness -- 'Meditation' on breathing -- Mindfulness of activities -- Living in the present moment -- 'Meditation' on Sensations -- on Mind -- on Ethical,Spiritual and Intellectual subjects

CHAPTER VIII What the Buddha Taught and the World Today
Erroneous views -- Buddhism for all -- In daily life -- Family and social life -- Lay life held in high esteem -- How to become a Buddhist -- Social and economic problems -- Poverty:cause of crime -- Material and spiritual progress -- Four kinds of happiness for laymen -- On politics, war and peace -- Non-violence -- The ten duties of a ruler -- The Buddha's Message -- Is it practical? -- Asoka's Example -- The Aim of Buddhism

Setting in Motion the Wheel of Truth (Dhammacakkappavattana-sutta)
The Fire Sermon (Aadittapariyaaya-sutta)
Universal Love (Metta-sutta)
Blessings (Ma^ngala-sutta)
Getting rid of All Cares and Troubles (Sabbaasava-sutta)
The Parable of the Piece of Cloth (Vatthuupama-sutta)
The Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipatthaana-sutta)
Advice to Sigala (Sigaalovaada-sutta)
The Words of Truth (Dhammapada)
The Last Words of the Buddha (from the Mahaaparinibbaana-sutta)
作成日2002.01.02; 2002.10.26

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