

In This Very Moment: A Simple Guide to Zen Buddhism
著者 Ford, James Ishmael
出版年月日2003.02 (Paperback); 2002.04 (hardcover)
ページ128 (Paperback); 114 (hardcover)
出版者Unitarian Universalist Association (Publisher); Skinner House Books (Imprint)
ノートAvailable Through: Alibris; Baker & Taylor Books; Brodart Company
キーワード公案=Koan; 禪宗=Zen Buddhism=Zazen Buddhism; 禪修=Meditation;
抄録The book is a 100-page summary of Zen Buddhism. Like chess, Zen Buddhism seems easy. It takes 5 minutes to learn the moves of chess and a lifetime to master it—if you can master it at all. Ford, spiritual director of the Zen Community of Boston, shows readers the “moves” of Zen Buddhism and inspires them to walk the lifelong path of mastering Zen. He introduces all the basics-everything any reader curious about entering into Zen Buddhism would want to know—in this tiny book. Such an undertaking would be intimidating for most writers, but Ford succeeds beautifully.

Ford describes “the path of Zen”—Zen philosophy and practice. He instructs readers on how to begin a Zen practice and what to do to advance along the path and avoid discouragement. The path is one of meditation, for Zen answers lie within. Although we may wander in the world, we eventually learn that the Zen wisdom we seek “is always here; it is always right at home.”

Zen meditation, or shiloutaza (just sitting), is the most important thing we can do, because meditation encourages us to notice what is revealed in all the moments in our lives. Ford also explains the 6 types of koans--questions that are both “questions about the ultimate things and the answer.” A typical koan is the popular, “What is the sound of one hand clapping?” The study of koans allows us the opportunity for direct knowing rather than accepting the teachings of others and helps us “realize our own true nature,” Ford says.

Ford has wandered the world, but through meditation and koans he found his home inside himself, where it has been all the time. He helps readers do the same, in the very moment they start to read this volume. In This Very Moment is a small (5-by-7-inch) but profound book. The subtle, attractive orange cover features a simple illustration of a few leaves, reflecting the simple truths to be found within the book and within oneself.
ISBN1558964398 (pbk); 1558964339 (hc)

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