Si-yu-ki:Buddhist Records of the Western World. Translated from the Chinese of Hiuen Tsiang AD 629.=西域記 |
著者 |
Beal, Samuel
出版年月日 | 1983, 1884 |
ページ | 369 |
出版者 | Oriental Book Reprint Corporation |
出版地 | New Delhi, India [新德里, 印度] |
資料の種類 | 書籍=Book |
言語 | 英文=English |
ノート | Edition:Second edition. Originally published by Trubner & Co. Ltd., London, 1884. Distributed by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. |
キーワード | 尸羅=戒=command=Precept=sila=morality=rule=discipline=prohibition; 玄奘=Xuanzang=Hiuen Tsiang; 佛教人物=Buddhist; 佛教文學=Buddhist Literature; 佛教宗派=Buddhist Sects=Buddhist Schools |
目次 | INTRODUCTION Shih Fa-hian Sung-yun Hiuen Tsiang Buddhist Literature in China TRAVELS OF FA-HIAN,or Fo-kwo-ki THE MISSION OF SUNG-YUN AND HWEI-SANG PREFACE TO THE "TA-T'ANG-SI-YU-KI," BY CHANG YUEH BOOK I. -- THIRTY-FOUR COUNTRIES Introduction by Chang Yueh 1. Country of 'O-ki-ni (Akni) 2. Kingdom of K'iu-chi (Kucha) 3. Poh-luh-kia (Baluka or Aksu) 4. Nu-chih-kien (Nujkend) 5. Che-shi (Chaj or Tashkand) 6. Fei-han (Ferghanah) 7. Su-tu-li-sse-na (Sutrishna) 8. Sa-mo-kien (Samarkand) 9. Mi-mo-ho (Maghian) 10. K'ie-po-ta-na (Kebud) 11. K'iuh-shwang-ni-kia (Kashania) 12. Ho-han (Kuan) 13. Pu-ho (Bokhara) 14. Fa-ti (Betik) 15. Ho-li-sih-mi-kia (Khwarazm) 16. Ki-shwang-na (Kesh) 17. Ta-mi (Termed) 18. Ch'I-ngoh-yen-na (Chaghanian or Saghanian) 19. Hwuh-lo-mo (Garma) 20. Su-man (Suman and Kulab) 21. Kio-ho-yen-na (Kubadian) 22. Hu-sha (Wakhsh) 23. Kho-to-lo (Khotl) 24. Kiu-mi-to (Kumidha or Darwaz and Roshau) 25. Fo-kia-lang (Baghlan) 26. Hi-lu-sih-min-kien (Rui-Samangan) 27. Ho-lin (Khulm) 28. Po-ho or Fo-ho-lo (Balkh) 29. Jui-mo-to (Jumadha) 30. Hu-shi-kien (Juzgana) 31. Ta-la-kien (Talikan) 32. Kie-chi (Gachi or Gaz) 33. Fan-yen-na (Bamiyan) 34. Kia-pi-shi (Kapisa) BOOK II. -- THREE COUNTRIES (1) Names of India (2) Extent of India, Climate,etc. (3) Measures of Length (4) Astronomy,the Indian Calendar,etc. (5) Towns and Buildings (6) Seats, Clothing,etc. (7) Dress, Habits, etc. (8) Cleanliness, Ablutions, etc. (9) Writing,Language,Literature,the Vedas, Study (10) Buddhist Schools, Books, Discussion,Discipline (11) Castes, Marriage (12) Royal Race,Troops, Weapons (13) Manners, Justice (14) Forms of Politeness (15) Medicines, Funeral Customs, etc. (16) Civil Administration,Revenues, etc. (17) Plants and Trees, Cultivation,Food,Drink,etc. (18) Commercial Transactions 1. Country of Lan-po (Lamghan) 2. Na-kie-lo-ho (Nagarahara) 3. Kien-t'o-lo (Gandhara) BOOK III. -- EIGHT COUNTRIES 1. U-chang-na (Udyana) 2. Po-lu-lo (Bolor) 3. Ta-ch'a-shi-lo (Takshasila) 4. Sang-ho-pu-lo (Samhapura) 5. Wu-la-shi (Urasa) 6. Kia-shi-mi-lo (Kasmir) 7. Pun-nu-tso (Punacha) 8. Ho-lo-she-pu-lo (Rajapuri) BOOK IV. -- FIFTEEN COUNTRIES 1. Tseh-kia (Takka) 2. Chi-na-po-ti (Chinapati) 3. She-lan-t'o-lo (Jalandhara) 4. K'iu-lu-to (Kuluta) 5. She-to-t'u-lu (Satadru) 6. Po-li-ye-to-lo (Paryatra) 7. Mo-t'u-lo (Mathura) 8. Sa-t'a-ni-shi-fa-lo (Sthanesvara) 9. Su-lo-k'in-na (Srughna) 10. Mo-ti-pu-lo (Matipura) 11. P'o-lo-hih-mo-pu-lo (Brahmapura) 12. Kiu-pi-shwang-na (Govisana?) 13. 'O-hi-chi-ta-lo (Ahikshetra) 14. Pi-lo-shan-na (Virasana?) 15. Kie-pi-ta (Kapitha) BOOK V. -- SIX COUNTRIES 1. Kie-jo-kio-she-kwo (Kanyakubja) 2. 'O-yu-t'o (Ayodhya) 3. 'O-ye-mu-khie (Hayamukha) 4. Po-lo-ye-kia (Prayaga) 5. Kiao-shang-mi (Kausambi) 6. Pi-so-kia (Vaisaka) ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS |
ヒット数 | 762 |
作成日 | 2002.01.02

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