

Building a Pure Land on Earth--A Blueprint for Social Action=建立人間淨土的社會行動藍圖
著者 包如廉 (著)=Pas, Julian F. (au.)
掲載誌 中華國際佛學會議實錄(第3屆):人間淨土與現代社會: = The Record of Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism(3rd): The "Earthly" Pure Land and Contemporary Society
ページ166 - 167
出版者法鼓文化出版社=Dharma Drum Culture
出版サイト http://www.ddc.com.tw
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料の種類會議論文=Proceeding Article
ノート中英文提要; 中文論文提要:頁95.
中英文提要; 英文論文提要:pp.166-167.
キーワードWestern Heaven; Utopia; Saha-world; Pas, Julian; 包如廉; 西方的天堂; 烏托邦; 娑婆世界
抄録1. What is the meaning of Pure Land? (Summarize the essential concepts of the three Pure Land scriptures).

In the popular mind,it is a "western heaven",a Buddhist "paradise",a land of extreme happiness, a utopia.

The creation of Pure Land ideology happened several centuries after the Buddha's' nirvana. It is a new school within Mahayana. The Buddha's ultimate goal of reaching nirvana is not abolished,only skillfully delayed. One could also say that the ideal of Pure Land is an escape:hoping to reach paradise,one may forget the sad condition of the world,without moving a finger to change it. Buddhism has indeed been accused of being too otherworldly.

2. Is it a wild dream,a utopia, to try building a Pure Land on earth? In Buddhist cosmology,our earth is a saha-world; purity is mixed with impurity. But while our planet itself is pure,impurity arises from human beings who contaminate the world. Because of greed and lust for power and wealth of a minority,the majority of humans live din a state of poverty,insecurity,and hopelessness.

Whereas individual Buddhist believers, following the Buddhist Path, work at overcoming their personal fetters, as an institution Buddhism must work at overcoming the world's abject poverty. To be a bodhisattva is not only to gain wisdom,but also to be compassionate. This does not mean to distribute charities but to find solutions to change the structure of society,so that the state of abject poverty can be overcome.

3. In practical terms, a Pure Land in earth is still far from being a reality. Buddhism,however,has the potential to work toward a transformation. Whereas monastic institutions can only be indirectly involved,the responsibility to change the world lies in the hands of lay Buddhists. One example:Buddhist laypeople as industrialists could start on a small scale to "purify" their own world. By organizing factories where greed is not the objective but human dignity is the primary goal (Details will follow).

Trying to build a Pure Land on earth without concern for the material well-being of the poor is like building sand-castles. To cultivate inner purity,there must be a solid foundation of material happiness.

淨土的意義是什麼? (摘述淨土三經的主觀念)
淨土觀念的產生,始於佛陀涅盤後的好幾個世紀. 它是大乘佛教中的新宗派. 佛陀證涅盤的終極目標,並未被廢除,只是被技巧性延後. 我們也可以說淨土的理念是一種逃避:淨土行人為往生樂土,可以忘記世間的悲慘情況,不肯動一根手指去改變它. 佛教確實被指控太「他世」了.

在人間建立淨土,是不是一種狂妄的夢想,烏托邦呢? 在佛教的宇宙論裏,我們的人間世娑婆世界,淨穢雜陳. 但我們的地球本身是清淨的,污穢卻來自污染世界的人類. 由於少數人對權力和財富的貪婪,大多數人類就生活在貧困,不安全,絕望的情境中.

佛教徒個人在修行路上. 可以努力克服個人枷鎖,但佛教整體卻須努力克服世界的赤貧. 作為一個菩薩,不僅要獲得智慧,還須慈悲. 這並不表示要分配福利,而是要尋找對策改變社會結構,以克服赤貧的情況.

就實務來說,人間淨土仍然貌不可及,但佛教卻具轉化的潛力. 在寺廟僅能間接參與的情況下,改變世界的責任就落在居士手中. 譬如,佛教居士中的企業家,就可以從小規模開始「淨化」他們的世界,其方式就是設立工廠時,不以貪婪為目標,而是以人類尊嚴為首要鵠的.


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