西藏佛教在台北地區的發展及其社會功能的探討:以密宗噶舉派宗教活動為中心=The Development of Tibetan Buddhism in Taipei Area with Discussions about Its Social Function |
著者 |
耿振華 (著)=Keng, Chen-hua (au.)
出版年月日 | 1997.08 |
ページ | 191 |
出版者 | 行政院國家科學委員會 |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 其他=Others |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 執行機構:台北巿立師範學院社會科教育學系,計畫編號:NSC85-2412-H133-001,研究期間:84年08月 ~ 85年07月 |
キーワード | 西藏=Tibet; 密宗=Tantric Buddhism; 佛教=Buddhism; 台北=Taipei; 台灣=Taiwan |
抄録 | 本文為<藏傳密宗在台灣地區的發展及其社會功能的探討>專案計畫後續研究。台灣密宗發展以大台北地區為核心,所有佛學中心和信徒又以噶舉教派(白教)數量最多,因此本計畫以大台北地區的白教發展現況做為台灣地區密宗發展現象的縮影。本計畫之研究方法側重實地調查,經由探討藏傳密宗佛學中心經營方式,藉以瞭解佛學中心工作人員與信徒在中國傳統習俗與台灣本土社會背景下與密宗傳承教理間的交互影響。研究結果發現,白教採取開放方式的吸收信徒,不排斥紅,花,黃教的弟子前來學習,也容許自己的弟子至其他教派聽聞佛法。但白教的傳承系統比紅,花,黃教紛雜,同一支系下時有不同長老擁立不同轉世活佛,致使傳承分裂,教團間出現彼此攻訐的情況。教導弟子方面,白教上師比其他教派開放,藏籍上師又比漢籍上師開放,西藏正統傳承又較藏系或漢系非正統傳承來得開放;一些漢籍上師不允許弟子參加藏籍喇嘛的法會,顯現出將弟子據為己有的狹隘心胸。弘法活動方面,高階段修行法或上師弟子間不共傳承的秘傳較罕見,公開法會仍以普傳居多。由於藏籍密宗上師在灌頂前與後的開示,與台灣佛教顯宗教理及印度佛學教授精神完全一致,而密宗儀式又能與中國傳統喪葬禮俗及台灣民間信仰配合,並且更適合大台北地區民眾步調快速的生活需求,又能捕捉本土民眾在社會變遷中的為調合現實與傳統的複雜心理需求,而能克服語言障礙而在大台北地區迅速發展的重要原因。當然,藏籍喇嘛至台弘法的根本原因是為維持流亡地區寺廟經濟發展,因此在台募得款項多轉往印度,尼泊爾等流亡地區籌建寺廟或直接送至青康藏地區修築祖廟;也有少數喇嘛將信徒供養中飽私囊,但若為台灣信徒在觀光時發現有專款非專用的情形,佛學中心通常不再邀請此喇嘛至台。經濟上,台灣佛學中心除自立更生外常需為藏籍喇嘛定期募款,因此經濟並不寬裕。佛學中心經濟的拮据造成專職工作人員的缺乏及成素質較差的義工充斥,這種現象不利在台密宗傳承發展,挑選迎聘上師至台,舉辦皈依法會或出版教學,及財務經濟收支等例行業務的正向開展。至於喇嘛至台弘法或居留,已有明確成文法規存在,但蒙藏委員會審查權過大且未能公正執法,致使具備正統傳承資格及學識德望較高的喇嘛仁波切仍以短期至台者居多,取得正式居留權及身分證者而能嚴守清規並持續在台弘揚佛法者較稀少。因此大台北地區的藏傳密宗信徒以高度熱忱對上師奉獻豐厚的供養,卻仍不易在本地獲得如同在藏區一樣長期,深入而又嚴格的完整教導,這種現象只能期待透過藏籍喇嘛簽證,寺廟管理,僧團組織條例,在台藏胞輔導,佛學中心工作人員及在台喇嘛自律的改良得到改善。
This paper represents an ongoing study of the development of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism in Taiwan and its social functions. The core area of the development of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan is in the Taipei area, and all of the Buddhism Centers and the followers are centered in the gajue sect. It is for these reasons that this study focuses on the development of the gajue sect on the Taipei area as the epitome of the development of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism in Taiwan. The research approach of this study stresses field work. Through the discussions of management tactics of different Tibetan Tantric Buddhism Centers, we can understand the interaction of the staff at Buddhism Centers and the followers, as well as the doctrine of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism in terms of the traditional customs and social background of Taiwan. The results of this study demonstrate several things. First, the gajue sect absorbs its followers by open means, it doesn't exclude the followers of the ninma, saja and gelu sects from learning the doctrine, and it allows the followers of its own sect to go to other sects to learn their Buddhism doctrines. But, the descent system of the gajue sect is more complex than those of other sects, and under the same branch there are different presbyters that support different kinds of transmigration Buddha, and these activities are due to the collapse of descent and the fact of sects attacking each other. In the respect of teaching pupils, the "masters" of the gajue sect are more open than those of other sects, and the Tibetan masters are more open than the Chinese masters. Some Chinese masters don't allow their followers to take part in the rites held by the Tibetan masters. It represents their narrow-mindedness: they take possession of the followers as of their own "property". In respect of the activities of developing the doctrine, the higher-level kinds of practice, on the secret communication between the masters and the followers, are rarely seen. Rather, public rites, or the universal communication of the doctrine, are more common. Owing to the fact that the guidelines outside of the "wan" of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism are the same as the doctrine of Taiwan Buddhism and that of the India Buddhism, and that the rites of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism can cooperate with traditional Chinese funeral customs and Taiwanese folklore beliefs. Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is even more suitable for, and more quickly adaptable to the people in the Taipei area. It also catches the complex mental needs of the people in that they want to compromise with tradition and the realities of the social change in Taiwan. These are the reason that the Tibetan Tantric Buddhism can overcome the obstacles of language and develop quickly in the Taipei area. Of Course, the main reason Tibetan lamas proclaim the doctrine in Taiwan is to maintain the economic development of the temples in stranded areas. S |
ヒット数 | 611 |
作成日 | 2000.12.08
更新日期 | 2020.11.26 |
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