釋曇鸞思想之研究=A Study of Shyh Tarn-Luarn's Thought |
著者 |
蔡纓勳 =Tsai, Ying-shyun
掲載誌 |
弘光學報=Bulletin On Hungkuang Institute Of Technology
巻号 | n.32 |
出版年月日 | 1998.10 |
ページ | 179 - 194 |
出版者 | 私立弘光技術學院 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺中縣, 臺灣 [Taichung hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 733
キーワード | 蔡纓勳; Tsai, Ying-shyun; 釋曇鸞; 淨土宗; 持名念佛; 易行道; 五念門; 本願力; Shyg Tarn-huarn; Repeating to the Name of a Buddha; Chinese Buddhism; The Five Devotional Gates; Obeying the Original Vows of a Buddha |
抄録 | 本篇旨在探討北魏高僧曇鸞(474-542)之淨土教義. 研治中國佛教淨土宗之學者,均知中國淨土宗發展至初唐,大抵可分成三系,即慧遠系,善導系及慈愍系. 其中善導一系,強調持名念佛,彌陀本願力及凡夫往生報土等思想,如追溯其源頭,即由曇鸞啟其端緒. 蓋曇鸞生於佛法方興未艾之北魏,本於法藏四十八願之本懷,上承印度龍樹「易行道」,世親「五念門」之淨土觀,而標舉出持名念佛法門,一生奉行前竭力弘揚之,故下啟道綽,善導諸淨土高僧,奠 定中國淨土宗之理論基礎. 其於佛教,功不可言. 本文即就其思想源流及內涵,作一番精要之論述以就教於賢君子.
Summary The purpose of this research is to investigate the Pure-Land dogmas of Tarn-Luarn (474-542 A.D.),a respectable monk,in North Weih Dynasty. Scholars working on the Pure-Land Sect of Chinese Buddhism know that the Pure-Lan Sect developing into the early Tang Dynasty can be divided into three systems:Hui-Yuan System,Shan-Tao System,and Tsyr-Miin System. Shan-Tao System stresses holding to the name of Amitabha, repeating the name of a Buddha, obeying the original vows of a Buddha, and believing the future life and the land of reward of ordinary people. Tarn-Luarn was the beginner to bring the Pure-Land Sect to the greater height of development. Tarn-Luarn,born on the developing of the law of Buddha in North Weih Dynasty,keeps Faa-Tzahng's The Forty-Eight Vows in his mind,inherits Hindu Lurng-Shuh's Easy Progress Way,Shyh-Chin's The Five Devotional Gates which belong to the Pure Land Meditation,points out holding to the name of Amitabha and repeating the name of a Buddha which are the best ways to understand Buddhism. He not only obeys the beliefs but devotes his whole life to promote and expand them. As a result,he enlightens Tao-Cho and Shan-Tao,the noted monks of the Pure Land Sect. He sets up the fundamental theory of the Pure Land Sect. All in all,he makes much contribution to Chinese Buddhism. The research is to deal with the origin and content of Tarn-Luarn's thought and to emphasize the highlights of his thought. |
ISSN | 10250662 (P) |
ヒット数 | 496 |
作成日 | 2001.02.27
更新日期 | 2024.01.26 |

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