《比丘尼傳》研究=A Study on the Bhikshuni Biographies |
著者 |
吳季霏 (著)=Wu, Chi-fei (au.)
掲載誌 |
法光學壇=Dharma Light Lyceum
巻号 | n.4 |
出版年月日 | 2000 |
ページ | 105 - 123 |
出版者 | 法光佛教文化研究所=Fa-kuang Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
キーワード | 比丘尼傳 |
抄録 | 中國第一個戰國時代 -- 周末春秋戰國,諸子百家,應時興起,百花萬卉,稱為是中國歷史上學術的黃金時代. 中國第二個戰 國時代 -- 南北朝,則是我國佛教藝術及思想大放光芒,備受世人肯定,矚目的輝煌時代. 當時,佛法最為隆盛,寺廟蜂起,僧尼雲集,出現無數學行高超的僧侶,南朝齊梁間,建初寺僧祐律師的弟子寶唱奉命撰述《比丘尼傳》四卷,乃將「苦行之節,禪觀之妙,立志貞固,弘震曠遠」諸德行之比丘尼遴選立傳. 其成書過程:詳今略古,詳南略北,取材出自書承系統與口承系統,並兼採異說,可謂披羅之廣之勤. 《比丘尼傳》是中國佛教史上最早的一部記述中國婦女奉佛的專著,具重要的史料價值. 對瞭解建構中國比丘尼教團的發展 歷史,比如:比丘尼初創時,受戒困難重重,比丘尼戒律在中土傳播的過程. 又如:早期比丘尼禪修,持戒並重,習禪成就者,比比皆是. 且南朝比丘尼人才輩出,出入宮闈,對皇室貴族講經說法,對社會產生極大的影響力. 最後旁及釋徒活躍於世族政治,社會文化的活動等. 以上都是《比丘尼傳》所提供給我們珍貴的史料,幫助我們瞭解兩晉迄南北朝佛教現實發展中的史實外,更可窺探當時的政治,經濟,社會,文化等風貌.
During the first period of Warring States in Chinese history, in the late Chou Dynasty, philosophical schools flourished in response to the needs of the time so that one can call it a golden age of Chinese civilization. The second period of Warring States, the Northern and Southern Dynasties, became in turn a glorious time for Chinese Buddhism when its art and philosophy were highly developed. This is readily recognized and much attention has been paid to it. It was a period in which Buddhism was widespread, many new monasteries were built, the sangha was strong, and learned and realized monks and nuns appeared in great numbers. During the Southern Ch'i and Liang Dynasties, Pao-ch'ang, the disciple of Vinaya Master Seng-you from the Chien-ch'u Monastery, was ordered to compose the Bhikshuni Biographies. He did this in four fascicles, selecting those nuns who"had set their minds on ascetic practices and meditational achievements, who were pure and strong and known far and wide." The biographies he wrote deal with the later nuns and those from the South in greater detail. He relied on both, oral and written sources, and even included differing traditions seriously trying to cover as much material as possible. Bhikshuni Biographies is the first book in the history of Chinese Buddhism which deals exclusively with Chinese women who practised Buddhism. It has its historical value and helps us reconstruct the development of the female sangha in China. Regarding the spread of the bhikshuni vinaya in China, for example, we learn how difficult it was to become ordained in the early days of the community. In the beginning, equal emphasis was placed on the practice of meditation and ethics, and there were numerous nuns who achieved proficiency in meditative absorption. Many of the nuns in the south were highly qualified and had close connections with the court. They preached to the imperial household and the nobility, and exerted enormous influence on the society. The political, social, and cultural activities are also touched upon. These are valuable historical data found in the Bhikshuni Biographies. They help us not only to understand the actual development of Buddhism during the period between both Chin Dynasties and the Northen and Southern Dynasties, but also enrich our knowledge of the political, economic, social, and cultural situation at the time. |
ヒット数 | 1691 |
作成日 | 2001.07.04
更新日期 | 2017.08.24 |
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