大唐大慈恩寺三藏法師傳 十卷=Dai-to-dai-ji-on-ji-san-zo-ho-shi-den.10 Fascicles=Ta-t'ang-ta-tz'u-en-ssu-san-ts'ang-fa-shih-ch'uan |
著者 |
釋慧立 (著)=Shih, Hui-li (au.)
釋彥悰 (箋)=Yen-tsung
出版年月日 | 2003 |
ページ | 200 - 200 |
出版者 | 嚴寬祜文教基金會 |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 工具書=Reference Book |
言語 | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
ノート | 出自:大藏經入門;為單篇書目簡介。(大正大藏經;2053) |
キーワード | 慧立; Eryu; Hui-li; 彥悰; Genso; Yen-ts'ung |
抄録 | 《慈恩寺三藏法師傳》當然就是《大唐西域記》(No.100) 作者玄奘之傳記。本傳記敘述從其出生開始,由中國去印度十數年中,在當時之天竺求法旅遊時之記錄; 更進一部記述歸國後之事蹟,收集成整個之傳記。本傳記是以玄奘旅行遭遇為中心所編集,而《大唐西域記》以實地見聞之地誌等為中心而編成書。附帶一提,到了明代,坊間流行通俗小說《西遊記》,即以本書為藍本.
This work,also known as the Ji-on-ji-san-zo-ho-shi-den,is a biography of Hsuan-tsang (Jap.:Genjo),the author of the Dai-to-sai-iki-ki (Ch.:Ta-t'ang-hsi-yu-chi; "Record of the Western Regions of Greater T'ang"; No.100). Starting with Hsuan-tsang's birth, it describes his journey lasting more than ten years from China to India in search of the Dharma, and then goes on to record his achievements after his return to China. It is thus a complete biography,and whereas the "Record of the Western Regions" is compiled on the basis of firsthand observations of geographical features, etc.,this work is centered on the account of his actual journey. It should be noted that the Sai-yu-ki (Ch.:Hsi-yu-chi; "Monkey"),written during the Ming Dynasty,was modeled upon this work. |
ヒット数 | 846 |
作成日 | 2001.10.23
更新日期 | 2014.06.23 |

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