

何者應捨?:比丘尼律僧殘法的疑點=What Should be Relinquished?:Problems in the Samghaadisesa Chapter of the Pali Bhikkhuni Vinaya
著者 釋若學 (著)=Shih, Juo-hseh (au.)
掲載誌 第四屆中華國際佛學會議 -- 「佛教與廿一世紀」=The Fourth Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism: The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century
出版者中華佛學研究所=The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies
出版地臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類會議論文=Proceeding Article
ノート第四屆中華國際佛學會議 -- 「佛教與廿一世紀」, 法鼓山中華佛學研究所主辦, 2002年1月18-20日, 中央研究院學術活動中心. The Fourth Chung Hwa International Conference on Buddhism:The Role of Buddhism in the 21st Century, Organized by Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, DDMBA; January 18-20, 2002, Auditorium of Acemic Activity Center, Acemia Sinica.
キーワード佛教與廿一世紀=Buddhism in 21st Century; Buddhist Monastic Rules; 應捨; Nissaraniya; Nihsaraniya; 比丘尼; 戒律=Precepts=Vinaya=Sila; 僧殘; 僧伽婆尸沙; 巴利=Pali; Bhikkhuni; Samghaadisesa; Buddhist Monastic Discipline; Patimokkha
抄録僧殘法是戒經 (Patimokkha) 的第二篇,其嚴重性僅次於不通懺悔的波羅夷法 (Parajika). 犯此戒法者可依一定的程序懺除過咎,回復清淨. 然而,比對比丘與比丘尼的僧殘法,吾人發現後者的戒文中有一新增的語詞,以四分律而言是「應捨」. 不過,廣律中完全找不到這個語詞的說明,因此「應捨」究竟何所指並不清楚,也似乎未曾有人提問過.

巴利尼律的僧殘法出現同樣的問題. 聖典註 (canonical commentary) 的部分有這個增添的新詞 (巴利的對應字是 nissaraniya) 的註解,但因過於簡短而其指涉模擬兩可:應捨的對象也許是犯戒的比丘尼,也許是所犯的罪過. 引發爭議的是覺音 (Buddhaghosa) 論師所著的《一切善見》(Samantapasadika). 該註論堅稱應捨的是犯戒的比丘尼,而非所犯的罪過. 其堅定的口吻似乎意味者在當時的教界,各部派對「應捨」的解讀是存有歧見的.

本文的研究從巴利尼律的僧殘法為出發點,首先從《犍度篇》(Khandhaka) 探討僧殘戒法的本質,犯這科戒者應得的懲罰,及犯戒者回復清淨的條件與方法. 這個基礎工作有助凸顯下一步研究的問題點. 比丘尼律僧殘法的結尾出現 nissaraniya (應捨) 的字眼,而比丘律中並沒. 又,根據《一切善見》,nissaraniya 毫無疑問的是指逐出僧團的處置,然而,這是超乎律制原有的規定的,因此這個比丘尼律中獨有的新詞,似乎是代表一種附加的懲處. 這顯然與律制的規定有所衝突,然而這種衝突意味著什麼? 或,從另一方面來看,nissaraniya 的增添只是指向一個事實:現存巴利比丘尼律的編輯 (也有可能是二度重編) 晚於比丘律,而增添 nissaraniya 的目的是為補充說明戒文中「僧殘」這個名詞,因它的意義並不是自明的.

其他部派的僧殘法是否也存在著這種衝突? 本文接著比對漢譯各部律和其他現存律本僧殘法結語的異同,結果是只有《四分律》,《五分律》,《十誦律》及《說出世大眾部律》的戒文有增添的語詞. 除《四分律》的「應捨」意義和指涉不甚明確外,其他各部律都清楚地表明立場.《五分律》和《十誦律》的增添語都是「可悔過」,這雖不是 nissaraniya 的直譯,但這樣的譯語至少不會有將犯戒的比丘尼逐出的意味. 上述反映在《一切善見》的歧見似乎得到映證,而有增添新詞的部派幾乎一致同意 nissaraniya 關涉的是犯戒的事實或所犯的過錯,而不是犯戒的比丘尼,如巴利註論傳統所認定那樣. 巴利尼律的增添語是 nissaraniya, 而註論傳統所持的意見可能源自正典註,也就是說 nissaraniya 可能被理解為是犯戒的比丘尼應被逐出所屬的在地僧團,這雖有違律制的規定,但《犍度篇》有文可證在歷史的發展中,僧團被賦予更多的權力. 根據律制原不應被驅逐的成員,如果僧團認為有必要,也可將之驅逐出去.

然而,如果再往上追溯,原先增添的字就是 nissaraniya? 或是 nissaraniya? 用字的差別是否導致內涵的不同? 換言之,上述犯戒的比丘尼應被捨除的說法是第一序或第二序的理解? 限於篇幅,本文的研究暫止於此. Nissaraniya 或 nissaraniya 顯然是後來的增補,但增補的當時律師們究竟意何所在?《一切善見》的意見是否代表正典註的立場? 正典註是否維持一貫的立場? 這些問題正在另文處理中.

The second chapter of the Patimokkha, the Samantapasadika, is less strict than the Parajika rules, which pertains to offenses allowing no repentance. The offender against Samantapasadika rules can return to purity by getting rid of the offenses through some formal procedures. However,in comparing the same chapters of both the Bhikkhu- and Bhikkhuni-Patimokkha in the various recensions, we find in four recensions of the Bhikkhuni-Patimokkha an additional phrase,"should be relinquished" in the case of the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya. But the canonical commentary gives not explanation of this phrase. Its meaning and reference thus remain unclear,and seem not to have been investigated before.

The same problem occurs in the corresponding text of the Pali recension. The canonical commentary includes a gloss on this phrase (nissaraniya in Pali),but it is ambiguous and unclear due to its brevity:it could mean either that the offending Bhikkhuni should be banished or that the offense itself should be removed. Buddhaghosa's gloss in the Samantapasadika is controversial in that he insists that the reference is to the offending Bhikkhuni herself,rather than the offense. The insistent tone he adopts suggests that there was disagreement on this point in contemporary Buddhism.

This essay starts with an inquiry into the Samghaadisesa Chapter of the Pali Bhikkhuni Vinaya. Before getting to the crucial point,I shall firstly investigate,base on the part of the Khandhaka, the nature of the Samghaadisesa rules, the prescribed punishments for the offenders, and the conditions and methods for their return to purity thereafter. This investigation is necessary for understanding the problems we shall be facing in the following study. The term nissaraniya appears at the end of the Bhikkhuni-Patimokkha, but not in the Bhikkhu counterpart. According to the Samantapasadika, nissaraniya definitely means banishment of the offending Bhikkhuni from the Samgha, but this specification goes beyond what is determined in the Vinaya. Hence this addition to the Bhikkhuni Samghaadisesa rules seems to represent extra punishment,which would be in clear conflict with the prescriptions for an offense of this sort. What does this conflict signify?

A comparison of the Chinese and other recensions of the text seems to have confirmed the above-mentioned disagreement hinted at in the Samantapasadika. Addition of a new expression appears in four of the various recensi
目次一. 前言
二. 問題陳述
三. 巴利比丘,比丘尼僧殘法比較
四. 漢譯及其他尼律僧殘法的對照比較
六. 結語


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