日據時期台灣新佛教運動的先驅--「台灣佛教馬丁路德」林德林的個案研究=A Pioneer of the New Buddhist Movement in Taiwan During the Period of Japanese Occupation--Lin Te-lin:the "Martin Luther of Taiwanese Buddhism" |
著者 |
江燦騰 (著)=Jiang, Cian-teng (au.)
掲載誌 |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
巻号 | n.15 |
出版年月日 | 2002.07 |
ページ | 255 - 303 |
出版者 | 中華佛學研究所=Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
キーワード | 臺灣佛教馬丁路德; 新僧; 殖民統治; 中教事件; 儒釋衝突; The Martin Luther of Taiwanese Buddhism; New Monks; Colonialism; The Chung-chiao Incident; Conflicts between Confucianism and Buddhism |
抄録 | 本文是以歷史學的研究角度,針對日本在臺殖民統治時期的新佛教運動,從事兼具宏觀與微觀的多面性探討,故除從事相關佛教史背景的解說外,還特選一具代表性的僧侶個案,即在當時有「臺灣佛教馬丁路德」之稱的新僧林德林,來作為長期觀察的具體線索. 並且,文中除綜合筆者在博士論文《日據時期臺灣佛教文化發展史》的長篇研究成果外,還大量利用近期才出現的許多新史料來集中探討此僧侶個案,所以本文此次在傳記的說明部分,較之在筆者博士論文中的扼要交代,顯然要更為詳細和更為完整. 事實上,本文所提供的,是有關臺灣近代佛教史上的一種嶄新發展經驗,故其中所呈現的複雜性和衝突性,亦不同於一般漢傳佛教史上的狀況; 特別是當其處在「殖民化」與「去殖民化」的佛教變革潮流時,尤其可以看清近代臺灣新佛教運動先驅者的坎坷心路歷程,或其所遭遇的佛教事業困境之所在.
This article adopts a historical perspective to examine the new Buddhist movement in Taiwan during the period of Japanese colonial occupation. In an attempt to present a complete picture of the period,the author,in addition to providing background into the history of Buddhism during the period,focuses on the case of a representative monk:Lin Te-lin,known at the time as the "Martin Luther of Taiwanese Buddhism." In addition to summarizing the author's Ph.D. dissertation,A History of the Development of Buddhist Culture in Taiwan during the Period of Japanese Occupation,the article also makes use of a large body of materials that have only recently come to light concerning this figure. In this respect,the biographical information presented here is more complete than the brief summary given in the dissertation. This article addresses a radical new development in the history of modern Taiwanese Buddhism. For this reason,the complexities and tensions discussed differ from those present for much of Chinese Buddhism. This is particularly apparent with respect to the place of Buddhism during the period between "colonialization" and "de-colonialization." It is here that we see most clearly the vagaries of the spiritual journey of a pioneer of the New Buddhist Movement in Taiwan and the difficulties he encountered.
目次 | 一. 前言 二. 研究史及相關參考文獻 三. 出家前的生活傳記及臺灣佛教大環境之變遷 四. 林德林的出家師門:江善慧與基隆靈泉寺之興起 五. 出家為僧初期及其求道生涯之開展 六. 初期返鄉開創新佛教事業及其自編佛教聖典之問題 七. 臺灣佛教馬丁路德之悲劇:「中教事件」之爆發與林德林新佛教事業困境之形成 八. 林德林的寂寞晚年其新佛教事業中挫 |
ISSN | 10177132 (P) |
ヒット数 | 2105 |
作成日 | 2002.09.03
更新日期 | 2017.06.20 |

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