龜茲佛教文化論集=Collected Essays on Kucha Buddhist Culture |
著者 |
出版年月日 | 1993 |
ページ | 400 |
出版者 | 新疆龜茲石窟研究所 |
出版地 | 新疆, 中國 [Xinjiang, China] |
資料の種類 | 書籍=Book |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 龜茲佛教; 大陸佛教; 佛教藝術=Buddhist Art; 石窟; 佛像; 佛教藝術=Buddhist Art; |
抄録 | 本文集收錄70年代以來,有關古代龜茲地區佛教、考古,及石窟藝術相關論文17篇,皆有嚴謹的考古依據,及實地勘查記錄,其篇目如下: 1. 吐火羅語的發現與考釋及其在中印文化交流中的作用=The Discovery and Research Of Tokharian and the Role Played by the Language in the Cultural Interchange between China and India...季羨林=Ji Xianlin 2. 鳩摩羅什年表考略=A Study of Chronicle of Kumarajiva...陳世良=Chen Shiliang 3. 略論鳩摩羅什=A Study of Kumarajiva...殷鼎=Yin Ding 4. 龜茲佛寺之研究=A Study of Kucha Buddhist Temples...韓翔=Han Xiang、陳世良=Chen Shiliang(第二編) 5. 克孜爾部份洞窟階段劃分與年代等問題的初步探=A Study of the temporal Division of part of the Kizil Caves and the Dates of Their Construction...索白=Su Bai 6. 丹青斑駁‧尚存金碧─龜茲石窟壁畫欣賞=Traces of the Once Brilliant Murals-A Review of the Kucha Cave Murals...譚樹桐=Tan Shutong 7. 龜茲風壁畫初探=A Study of Murals of Kucha Style...袁廷鶴=Yuan Tinghe 8. 龜茲石窟形成的歷史條件=Historical Conditions of the Formation of Kucha Caves...朱英榮=Zhu Ying Rong 9. 克孜爾石窟的洞窟分類與石窟寺院的組成=The Classification of Kizil Caves and Composition of the Cave Temple...晁華山=Chao Hua Shan 10.丹奮斑駁‧千秋壯觀─克孜爾石窟壁畫藝術及分期概述=Evidences of the Treasure House of a Great Art-A Survey of Kizil Mura Art and Its Temporal Division...霍旭初=Huo Xuchu、王建林= Wang Jianlin 11.克孜爾與莫高窟的涅槃經變比較研究=A Comparative Study of the Kizil and Mogaoku Nirvana Sutra Bian...賈應逸=Jia Yingyi 12.克孜爾千拂洞的阿闍世王題材壁畫=Kizil Caves' Murals of the Theme of King Ajatashatru...姚士宏=Yao Shihong 13.論克孜爾石窟伎樂壁畫=On Kizil Murals of Deva-musicians...霍旭初=Huo Xuchu 14.庫木吐拉的漢風洞窟=Kumtura Caves of Han Dynasty Style...馬世長=Ma Shichang 15.庫木吐拉石窟壁畫風格演變與古代龜茲的歷史興衰=The Evolution of the Style of Kumtura Murals and the Historical Development of Ancient Kucha...吳焯=Wu Zhuo 16.記兩處典型的龜茲石窟─森木塞姆與克孜爾尕哈石窟=Two Groups of Typical Kucha Caves-Simsim and Kizilgaha Caves...丁明夷=Xu Wanyin 17.台台爾石窟踏察記=A Visit to Taitair Caves for Exploration...許宛音=Xu Wanyin
ヒット数 | 678 |
作成日 | 2004.04.02
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