義解:移花接木 ── 中國佛教闡釋學研究=On Chinese Buddhist Hermeneutics |
著者 |
周裕鍇 (著)=Zhou, Yu-kai (au.)
掲載誌 |
四川大學學報 (哲學社會科學版)=Jounal of Sichuan University (Social Science Edition)
巻号 | n.6 |
出版年月日 | 2003 |
ページ | 70 - 79 |
出版者 | 四川大學學報編輯部 |
出版地 | 成都, 中國 [Chengdu, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者任職於四川大學,中國民俗文化研究所
キーワード | 詮釋學=Hermeneutics; 善巧方便=方便施設=Upayakausalia=Upaya; 格義佛教; 方便品; 妙法蓮華經=法華經=The Lotus Sutra=Saddharma-pundarika Sutra; 譯經=The Translation of Sutra; 中國佛教史=Chinese Buddhist History |
抄録 | 中國佛學對印度佛典的理解與解釋,近乎一種文化「嫁接」。最初的佛典講解者,須將自己的理解與解釋,置入漢民族的生活語境中,因而採用了一種用中國儒道學說,來比附印度佛教學說的「格義」的闡釋方法。關於「格義」的使用年代與確切涵義的理解,學界有不同看法,但考其精神實質,應是一種「傳會中西之學說」的方法。「格義」方法充分證明了存在的歷史性,決定了理解的歷史性這一闡釋學原理。自東晉至隋唐,闡釋佛教教義的「疏」、「論」大量出現,學術爭鳴通過對佛典文本的闡釋差異表現出來:因對同一經典的不同闡釋,而形成派別,因對不同經典的闡釋,而形成各種師說,因對不同經典的尊崇與發揮,而形成不同宗派。通過對法華經「方便」一詞各種解說的考察,可發現中國佛教的經疏有四個特點,即闡釋的附會性、擴展性、細密性、多元性。佛教義學的疏論,是中國文化與印度佛教文化,相互交流融合的典範之一。
As for Chinese Buddhism, the understanding and interpretation of Indian Buddhist sutra is nearly a kind of cultural "grafting". The earliest interpreters of Buddhist sutra must combine their own understanding and interpretation with the life context of the Han people, that is why they adopt the Geyi hermeneutical method of comparing Indian Buddhist theory to Chinese Confucianism and Taoism. Scholars think differently so far as the time and exact meanings of Geyi are concerned, yet the essence of that should be a method combining the western and eastern cultures. The Geyi method fully proves the hermeneutical principle that the history of existence decides that of understanding. From Eastern Jin Dynasty till Sui and Tang Dynasty, there have appeared a lot of Jing and Shu, and academic discussions find their way in different interpretations of Buddhist sutras and texts. Hence different schools come into being. Taking the example of "fangbian" in Fa Hua Jing, we can find 4 features of Jingshu in Chinese Buddhism, i.e., relatedeness, extensiveness, delicacy and diversity. Shulun is a good example of integrity between Chinese culture and Indian one.
ISSN | 10060766 (P) |
ヒット数 | 549 |
作成日 | 2004.05.28
更新日期 | 2019.11.08 |
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