

Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava (2 vol, cloth)
著者 Yeshe Tsogyal
出版者Dharma Publishing
出版サイト http://www.dharmapublishing.com/
出版地Berkeley, CA, US [伯克利, 加利福尼亞州, 美國]
キーワード蓮華生=蓮花生大士=Padmasambhava; 傳記=Biography;
抄録This biography of Padmasambhava, the founder of Tibetan Buddhism, is a translation of the Padma bKa'i Thang

recorded in the eighth century by his closest disciple and consort, Yeshe Tsogyal. The richly symbolic account in 108 cantos

sets forth the stages of his life, which reveal the stages of the path to enlightenment. Vivid description of the

establishment of the Dharma in Tibet. Translated by Kenneth Douglas and Gwendolyn Bays from Toussaint's French, corrected

with the original Tibetan. Recommended for all students of the Vajrayana traditions. 58 color plates.
"A gold mine of information and beauty."
&ndash Lama Govinda
From Vol I., Canto 34 "Upon entering Padma beheld the dakini enthroned on the dais of Suryacandrasiddhi, adorned with the

six solar and lunar ornaments. Padma prostrated himself to the enthroned dakini, circumambulated her, and presented to her a

golden Wheel with a Thousand Spokes. And when he begged her for the Teachings, outer, inner, and secret, there appeared many

rainbow lights in the sky, in front of a multitude of gods… he now asked for the powers: "Before the supreme Sages

appeared, without yet the name of Buddha, even the Buddhas of the Thousand Ages depended on the lama. I aspire to see the

majestic and superior lake of glory as revealed in the moon of your face; to see, through grace, the one who instructs. I do

not ask for power from the gods but I ask this of the Teacher." The bhiksuni spoke: "You understand in your request for

power that all the gods are gathered in my heart." She then changed Dorje Drolod into the syllable HUM and swallowed him,

thus conferring blessings on him. Outwardly his body became like that of the Buddha Amitabha, and he obtained the powers of

the Knowledge Bearer of Life. From the blessings of being within her body, inwardly his body became that of Avalokiteshvara,

and he obtained the powers of the meditation of the Great Seal.
ISBN0913546186 (hc)

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