The Kalachakra Tantra: Rite of Initiation : For the Stage of Generation : A Commentary on the Text of Kay-Drup-Ge-Lek-Bel-Sang-Bo (A Wisdom Advanced) |
著者 |
Hopkins, Jeffrey
第十四世達賴喇嘛=H. H. Dalai Lama
出版年月日 | 1985.06.01 |
ページ | 511 |
出版者 | Natl Book Network |
資料の種類 | 書籍=Book |
言語 | 英文=English |
ノート | 2nd rev. ed edition; Text: English (translation); Original Language: Tibetan
キーワード | 上師=Guru; 西藏佛教=藏傳佛教=Tibetan Buddhism; 佛教經典=Buddhist Scriptures=Sutra; 空性=Sunyata=Sunnata=Emptiness; 金剛薩埵=Vajrasattva=Vajra-sattva; 長行=契經=修多羅=Sutra; 信心=Belief=Faith; 苯教=Bon; 修行方法=修行法門=Practice; 曼陀羅=曼荼羅=壇城=Mandala; 密續=Tantra; 喇嘛=Lama; 達賴喇嘛=Dalai Lama; 願文=Prayer |
抄録 | The Kalachakra--Wheel of Time--tantra is the most detailed and encompassing system of theory and practice within Tibetan Buddhism. It has been popularized in recent times by The Dalai Lama, who publicly gives the Kalachakra initiation every year all around the world.
目次 | Preface Technical Note
INTRODUCTION BY JEFFREY HOPKINS 1. Altruistic Purification 2. Deity Yoga: The Special Tantrc Technique 3. Motivation: The Thirty-Seven Practices 4. Emptiness Yoga 5. History of the Kalachakra Tantra 6. Initiatios and Mandalas 7. Procedure of the Enhancement 8. Procedure of the Initiations 9. The Texts 10. The Author of the Mandala Rite 11. The Author of the Comentary THE DALAI LAMA'S COMMENTARY ON THE KALACHAKRA INITIATION RITE: STAGE OF GENERATION Part One: Enhancing the Students Background 1. Motivation and Internal Initiation 2. Supplication and Faith 3. Vows and Blessing 4. Tooth-Stick, Water, Kusha Grass, and Thread 5. Six Lineages and Vajrasattva 6. Enthusiasm and Dreams Part Two: Entry into the Mandala 1. Structure 2. Outside the Curtain 3. Seeing the Mandala Part Three: The Initiations Orientation 1. Water Initiation 2. Crown Initiation 3. Silk Ribbon Initiation 4. Vajra and Bell Initiation 5. Conduct Initiation 6. Name Initiation 7. Permission Initiation and Appendages Part Four: Conclusion 1. Understanding the Time of Attainment 2. Advice to Abandon the Root Infractions 3. Prayer-Wishes 4. Daily Practice RITES FOR DAILY PRACTICE: THREE VERSIONS OF THE SIX SESSION YOGA Introduction 1. Guru Yoga of Kalachakra in Connection with the Six Sessions in Completely Facilitating Form 2. Six Session Yoga 3. Abbreviated Six Session Yoga APPENDIX 1. Mantras in the Kalachakra Initiation, Stage of Generation BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Sutras and Tantras 2. Sanskrit and Tibetan Works 3. Other Works NOTES 1. Notes to the Introduction 2. Notes to the Commentray
ヒット数 | 916 |
作成日 | 2004.08.20

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