

Songs of Spiritual Experience Tibetan Buddhist Poems Of Insight and Awakening
著者 Jinpa ; Elsner
出版サイト http://www.shambhala.com
出版地US [美國]
ノートIncludes bibliographical references.
キーワード仁波切=Rinpoche; 心靈=Spiritual; 佛教人物=Buddhist; 密勒日巴=Milarepa; 喇嘛=Lama; 達賴喇嘛=Dalai Lama; 靜坐=Meditation; 禪修=Meditation; 藏傳佛教=西藏佛教=Tibetan Buddhism; Tibetan Buddhism; Buddha; Tibetan poetry; tantra; 西藏佛教=藏傳佛教=Tibetan Buddhism; 佛教哲學=Buddhist Doctrines=Buddhist Philosophy
抄録Here is the first major anthology of Tibetan spiritual poetry available in the West. Songs of Spiritual Experience offers newly translated works from all the traditions and schools of Tibetan Buddhism, and schools of Tibetan Buddhism, spanning from the eleventh to the twentieth century. Compiled and translated by Thupten Jinpa, one of the Dalai Lama's principal translators, and Jaś Elsner, Songs of Spiritual Experience serves both as an introduction to Tibetan poetry and to Tibetan Buddhist philosophy.
In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, poetry has long been one of the primary means of expressing spiritual experience. The poems collected here communicate spiritual insight with grace and precision. The themes of the collection include impermanence, solitude, mystic consciousness, the path of awakening, and devotion to the guru.
Songs of Spiritual Experience offers original translations of fifty-two poems, a thorough introduction exploring the role of poetry in the Tibetan Buddhism, and a helpful glossary that includes notes on the poems. This remarkable collection of Tibetan religious verse will be of interest to students of any spiritual tradition.
目次Foreword xi
Preface xiii
Translators' Introduction 1
EVOCATIONS OF LIFE'S TRANSIENCE from Tunes on the Absence of Elaborations Za Paltrül Rinpoche 31
A Meditation on Impermanence Gungthang Tenpai Drönme 33
Movements of Dancing Lightning Chone Lama Rinpoche 38
A Word-Brush Drawing of the Monster-Form of Impermanence on Mind's Stone Tablet Chone Lama Rinpoche 42
Inspire Me to Remember Death Kelsang Gyatso, seventh Dalai Lama 46
Ramblings of an Aged Man Gungthang Tenpai Drönme 51
YEARNING FOR SOLITUDE The Red Rocky Mountain Milarepa 63
The Joys of the Solitary Hills Kalden Gyatso 64
A Song by a Yogi in Solitude Shapkar Tsogdruk Rangdröl 66
Longing for the Mountains of Solitude Za Patrül Rinpoche 68
CALLING THE GURU FROM AFAR A Beggar and His Guru Milarepa 73
May I See My Guru Again and Again Natsok Rangdröl 75
A Song of Desolation Kalden Gyatso 77
On the Death of Kyabje Trijhang Rinpoche, 1982 Zemey Lobsang Palden 78
ECHOES OF EMPTINESS Reflections on Emptiness Tsongkhapa 83
In Praise of the Vision of Father Lobsang Kelsang Gyatso, seventh Dalai Lama 85
Ramblings of a Druken Bee Chone Lama Rinpoche 87
A Response to a Logician Milarepa 91
A Spontaneous Song Evoked by the Dream-Girl Chone Lama Rinpoche 93
A Sky with a Center and Borders! Longchen Rabjampa 96
Melodies of an Echo Chone Lama Rinpoche 100
The Love Dance of Emptiness and Appearance Chone Lama Rinpoche 102
Awake from the Slumber of Ignorance! Kelsang Gyatso, seventh Dalai Lama 105
Recognizing My Mother Changkya Rölpai Dorje 109
STEPS ON THE PATH TO AWAKENING An Experimental Tune on Eight Dream Practices Drakpa Gyaltsen 117
Line of Self-Encouragement Written in Lhasa in the Year of the Horse Rangjung Dorje, third Karmapa 119
Wielding a Club in the Darkness Tsangpa Gyare 121
A Song of Self-Encouragement toward True Renunciation Chone Lama Rinpoche 123
Laying the Ground for Forbearance Rangjung Dorje, third Karmapa 125
On How to Engage in a Meditative Path Drakpa Gyaltsen 127
A Prayer for the Flourishing of Virtues Tsongkhapa 129
VISIONS OF MYSTIC CONSCIOUSNESS A Taste of Meditation Tsangpa Gyare 137
The Dakinis' Feast Natsok Rangdröl 139
An Adamantine Song on Purposeless Pursuits Longchen Rabjampa 140
A Dance of Unwavering Devotion Chone Lama Rinpoche 144
A Song on the View of Voidness Karma Trinley 147
On How to Apply the Antidotes Drakpa Gyaltsen 151
Cutting the Rope of Conceit Machik Labdrön 153
A Feast Song in Lhasa Rangjung Dorje, third Karmapa 155
Hail to Manjushri! Rangjung Dorje, thrid Karmapa 157
A Varja Song Aspiring to Tead the Footsteps of the Heroes Chone Lama Rinpoche 158
Little Tiger Kelsang Gyatso, seventh Dalai Lama 160
An Adamantine Song on the Ever-Present Longchen Rabjampa 163
On the Inner Practice of Secret Mantra Drakpa Gyaltsen 165
At the Feet of the Lord of Dance Karma Trinley 168
In Response to a Request for Teaching on Cause and Effect Drukpa Künlek 171
Experience of the Single Taste Za Paltrül Rinpoche 173
REFLECTIONS ON THE POET'S OWN LIFE Old Dog in the Wilderness Za Paltrül Rinpoche 177
A Song of Repentance and Disclosure Tsangpa Gyare 184
A Long Song of Sadness Chone Lama Rinpoche 186
Pay Heed, Pay Heed, O Zemey Tulku! Zemey Lobsnag Palden 190
A Spring Day Kelsang Gyatso, seventh Dalai Lama 192
ISBN1570625506 (hc)

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