泰卦與復卦給予當代社會的省思=The Pervading and Returning Hexagrams: A Reflection on Contemporary Society |
著者 |
鍾雲鶯 (著)=Chung, Yun-ying (au.)
掲載誌 |
佛學與科學=Buddhism and Science
巻号 | v.13 n.2 |
出版年月日 | 2012.08.01 |
ページ | 76 - 84 |
出版者 | 圓覺文教基金會 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
ノート | 作者為元智大學中國語文學系(Dept. of Chinese Linguistic & Literature, Yuan Ze University),桃園(Taoyuan),台灣(Taiwan)。 |
キーワード | 易經=I Ching; 復卦=Returning (fu); 泰卦=Pervading (tai) |
抄録 | 本文乃透過《易經》中「泰卦」與「復卦」的卦象,探討人與土地之間不可斷裂的連續關係。泰卦談天地人物之剛柔並濟之道,以天地為重,若將此信念置入生活實踐,則土地之生養為其核心;復卦論歸返敦仁之理,以修身為要,故人為其樞紐。 「復卦」之「見天地之心」修身敦復之道的理念,與泰卦所言「成天地之道」與協助萬民之理想,談論土地與人之有機體的連續關係,本文希冀在此二卦之基礎上,開展人與土地之間的深層交談與性靈對話,探討復、泰兩卦給予當代社會的省思。 This work uses two hexagrams(guas) from I Ching(Book of Changes) - Pervading (tai) and Returning (fu) - to explore the continuous and inseparable relationship between humanity and land. Pervading is concerned with the balance of strength and flexibility in nature and its creatures, with a focus on heaven and earth. Practicing the belief of Pervading in daily life means placing the nurture of the land at its core. Returning advocates the return to honesty and benevolence, with a focus on cultivating a person's moral character; hence, the human being plays a pivotal role. The concept of moral cultivation and promotion of Returning by "seeing the heart of heaven and earth" and assisting all people in Pervading - examines the continuous relationship between land and humanity. On the basis of these two hexagrams, this paper attempts to initiate a profound and spiritual discourse between humanity and land, and explore the insights that Pervading and Returning bring to contemporary society.
目次 | 壹、前言 76 貳、泰 -- 天地交而萬物生 77 參、復 -- 見天地之心 79 肆、泰與復 -- 土地與人之沒有邊界的整體關係 81 注釋 82 參考文獻 83 |
ISSN | 16072952 (P) |
ヒット数 | 1088 |
作成日 | 2012.12.27 |
更新日期 | 2017.07.24 |
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