後吐蕃時代藏語文在西域河西西夏的行用與影響=Sociolinguistic Implications of the Use of Tibetan Language in East Turkestan from the End of Tibetan Occupation through the Tangut Period(9th-12th c.) |
著者 |
武內紹人 (著)=Tsuguhito, TAKEUCHI (au.)
楊富學 (譯)=Yang, Fu-xue (tr.)
掲載誌 |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research
巻号 | n.5 (總號=n.129) |
出版年月日 | 2011.10 |
ページ | 106 - 114 |
出版者 | 敦煌研究編輯部 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 蘭州, 中國 [Lanzhou, China] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 武內紹人為日本神戶外國語大學教授,主要從事敦煌、中亞出土古藏文文獻研究。 |
キーワード | 后吐蕃時代=Post-Tibetan occupation; 藏語文=Tibetan Language and Script; 西域=East Turkestan; 敦煌=Dunhuang; 西夏=Tangut; 于闐=Khotan; 甘州回鶻=the Ganzhou Uighur Kingdom |
抄録 | 吐蕃帝國于9世紀中葉結束了對河西及西域的統治之后,藏語文在這些地區繼續使用,敦煌出土文獻中,屬于后吐蕃時代的藏語文獻多達57件,時代均在10世紀末或11世紀初。既有沙州歸義軍政權與于闐、甘州回鶻間的通信,也有沙州與和周邊地區相聯系的書札,更有當地人所寫的佛教典籍。藏語之所以在河西及西域長期流行,與吐蕃對這里有過數十年的統治密不可分,也與當地固有的多語言環境密切相關,自8世紀中葉始,藏語便逐漸成為當地居民母語之外的一種共用語,況且藏文字母較易掌握。這些因素促進了藏語文的廣泛流行。影響所及,在西夏國境內,古藏文也得以流行,有關文獻在黑水城和綠城也有發現。西藏本土缺乏9世紀中葉以后至12世紀以前的藏文文獻,這些寫本與印本的發現,正好有填補空白之價值,彌足珍貴。
Tibetan Language and Texts continued to be used in the Hexi and Western Regions after the end of the Tibetan occupation.There were as many as 57 pieces of Tibetan manuscripts among the Dunhuang documents,all dating from the end of the 10th century or the beginning of the 11th century,the post-Tibetan period.These manuscripts include not only correspondence between the Guiyijun(Return-to-Allegiance Army) regime and the Uighur powers in Khotan and Ganzhou,but also Buddhist texts written by local people. The enduring popularity of the Tibetan Language in these regions was attributed to the Tibetan ruler during the past decades as well as to the local multi- language environment. Ever since the middle of the 8th century,the Tibetan Language had gradually been a common language in addition to the native one. Moreover,the Tibetan language was easy to learn. All these promoted the extensive popularity of the Tibetan language. As a result,ancient Tibetan language was also popular in the Western Xia kingdom,as verified by relevant documents discovered from Khara Khoto and Etsin- gol. Discoveries of these valuable manuscripts and printed documents fill a void in the Tibetan documents because Tibetan documents dating from the middle of the 9th century to the 12th century are very scarce in Tibet.
目次 | 一、序說 107 二、于闐國王之書信 107 三、文獻的歸類 110 四、社會語言學問題 111 五、當地藏族人的活動 112 六、西夏時期的藏文文獻 113 七、結論 114
ISSN | 10004106 (P) |
ヒット数 | 659 |
作成日 | 2013.08.26 |
更新日期 | 2018.05.10 |

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