從《成唯識論》探討前六識的認識性格與特色=A Study on the Cognizing Nature and Distinguishing Feature of the First Six Consciousnesses from Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun |
著者 |
釋法緣 (著)=Shih, Fa-yuan (au.)
掲載誌 |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies
巻号 | v.10 n.1 |
出版年月日 | 2011.09 |
ページ | 23 - 63 |
出版者 | 世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為華梵大學東方人文思想研究所博士。 |
キーワード | 成唯識論=Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun; 前六識=the First Six Consciousnesses; 末那識=Manas Consciousness; 煩惱心所=associated mental activities; 我法二執=Atman-adhesion and Dharma-adhesion |
抄録 | 茲因學者討論《成唯識論》中的八識,大多著眼於阿賴耶識,這是因為阿賴耶識無疑是唯識佛學的核心概念;又有學者雖討論「前六識」,但從五俱意識的探討上認為這是唯識學者對感性與知性的嚴格分判有關,且指出「對前五識之為純感知的強調是唯識今學的一大特色」。雖然,結論有其研究價值,但是在研究《成唯識論》中的「前六識」,便顯出其研究報告是不夠豐富的,因此本論文再提出了六識的命名及意義、六識與末那識、意識與前五識、六識與相應心所、意識與遍計性格共計五個面相來論述,如是表示前六識在認識論、解脫學以及煩惱論上仍然佔有相當關鍵的地位。此中論述不僅呈現了繼承原始佛教的六識說,更凸顯了奘系唯識佛學的六識理論特色與認識性格,如是的論述希祈更能對玄奘唯識佛學提供深入的釋義,而達到本論文的研究意義與價值。
As scholars discuss Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun about the Eight Consciousness, more emphasis is put on the Eight onsciousness; therefore, it is undoubtedly the key word of Wei-Shih Studies. Though some scholars discuss the First Six Consciousnesses, in terms of the First Five Consciousnesses, it is considered that Wei-Shih scholars have something to do with separating emotion from cognition, and "the pure cognition of the First Five Consciousnesses" is the distinguishing feature in the Wei-Shih Jin Shiue. Though the conclusion enjoys its research value, in studying Ch'eng Wei-Shih Lun, the research isn't abundant enough. Therefore, the thesis explored more on the following five aspects: the name and meaning of the Six Consciousnesses; the Six Consciousnesses and Manas Consciousness; the Sixth Consciousness and the First Five onsciousnesses; the Six Consciousnesses and associated mental activities; and the Sixth Consciousness and nature of mere-imagination. So it still expresses a critical place in the epistemology, extrication and vexing passions of the First Six Consciousnesses. Not only did the thesis appear to carry forward the Six Consciousnesses theory of the original Buddhism, but it also offered an outstanding theory of the Six Consciousnesses in the Tsang's Wei-Shih Studies. It is hoped that the thesis can offer a deep explanation to Hsuan Tsang's Wei-Shih Studies. |
目次 | 壹、緒論 25 貳、六識的命名及意義 27 一、六識命名的五大內在意義 28 二、從六識的命名檢視「意、法為緣生意識」31 三、從六識命名區分合說與別說 32 參、六識與末那識 33 一、染污末那羈鎖眾生六識難以脫離世間捆綁 34 二、意識如法聞思如理作意間接調整末那識 35 肆、意識與前五識 36 一、前五識與意識的所依關係 36 二、六識三性容俱與意識的偏注性格 43 伍、六識與相應心所 48 一、強調對治相應心所 48 二、強調意識相應心所的複雜性 50 陸、意識與遍計性格 55 一、意識與我、法二執 55 二、意識與煩惱心所 56 三、意識的遍計分別 58 四、意識常與獨影境、帶質境相應 58 柒、結論 59 |
ISSN | 16843738 (P) |
ヒット数 | 446 |
作成日 | 2014.07.15 |
更新日期 | 2020.01.15 |

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