持誦聖名 : 日常意識與禪修的邊界=Reciting the Holy Name: the Boundary of Daily Consciousness and Meditation |
著者 |
溫金柯 (著)=Wen, Chin-ko (au.)
掲載誌 |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies
巻号 | v.12 n.2 |
出版年月日 | 2013.12 |
ページ | 49 - 80 |
出版者 | 世界宗教博物館發展基金會附設出版社 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
ノート | 作者為輔仁大學宗教所博士生。 |
キーワード | 持誦聖名=Reciting the Holy Name; 稱名念佛=Chanting the name of Buddha; 淨土宗=Pure Land Buddhism |
抄録 | 世界幾個不同主要宗教,有的著重開發禪修體驗,有的則不然。但在發展中,卻都發展出類似「持誦聖名」的修練形式。這種修練形式可以說是日常生活意識狀態與禪修狀態的邊界。本文以佛教淨土宗的持名念佛為例,嘗試對這種修練方式有更為具體的了解。在現代佛教批判傳統佛教的風尚下,淨土宗的念佛法門遭到很大的貶抑。但是透過經典回溯呈現出來的歷史,可以看到在原始佛教中的念佛,是始於日常生活意識的敬虔,而可以進升為禪修之道,使人見道證果,乃至究竟涅槃的殊勝法門。然而,即使在淨土宗內部也存在著認為念佛不是禪修的見解。本文透過淨土三經一論的詮釋,呈現淨土念佛與禪修的意義。即在念佛之中,含攝來世往生與當生禪修兩個主題。淨土的念佛之道,是從人人都可以輕易入手的稱念之中,透過反覆持續的持誦,而成為攝心一處的所緣。因此無論念佛者認不認為自己是在禪修,持名念佛本來就是不折不扣的禪修方法。而淨土信仰中,必定往生的信念,使淨土念佛人有著更多的從容與確定感。這應該是淨土念佛速成三昧的可能之所在。
Some of the major religions focus on the development of meditation experience, while others do not. But they all developed the similar practice of "reciting the holy name." This form of practice can be described as the boundary of daily consciousness and meditation. This thesis aims to research the way of chanting the name of Buddha in Pure Land Buddhism as an example in order to have a more concrete understanding of this meditation practice. In the context of modern Chinese Buddhism, the traditional Buddhism was always criticized, and the practice of Pure Land Buddhism was much disparaged. However, through the backtracking of sutras, we can see the charting of Buddha in original Buddhism, it began with the sincerity of daily life consciousness, and developed it as a way of meditation, in order to guide people to approach enlightenment and nirvana. However, even within Pure Land Buddhism, some argued that chanting of Buddha is different from meditation. By interpreting the Three Sutras and Sukhāvatīvyūhopadeśa, we can clarify the correlation between the chanting of Buddha and meditation. That is, there are two themes -- "pray to Buddha," after death and practice meditation when living. "Pray to Buddha" in the Pure Land Buddhism, it can start from the very easy way of chanting the name of Buddha, and through the repeated recitation, it can help one achieve mind at ease. So, whether the prayers think they do meditation or not, chanting the Buddha is another form of pure meditation. Besides, in the faith of Pure Land, prayers must have belief in rebirth, so that they can have more sense of calmness and determination. This could be the reason why the Pure Land Buddhist prayers can achieve Samadhi quickly. |
目次 | 壹、前言:問題的提出、性質與解決之道 51 貳、現代佛學對淨土念佛法門的批判:以印順法師〈淨土新論〉為例 56 參、原始佛教經典中的「稱名」與「念佛」59 肆、淨土宗內部的觀點:末法時代只能稱名不能禪修 62 伍、淨土三經一論中的念佛與禪修 64 陸、稱名如何成為禪修?68 柒、中日淨土宗的稱名與禪修 71 捌、結語:往生必定與禪修速成 74 |
ISSN | 16843738 (P) |
ヒット数 | 472 |
作成日 | 2014.07.16 |
更新日期 | 2020.01.16 |

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