宋元禪師對「趙州勘婆」公案的接受與多重闡釋=The Reception and Multiple Interpretations of the "Zhaozhou Kan Po" Koan by Song-Yuan Chan Buddhist Masters |
著者 |
黃敬家 (著)=Huang, Jing-jia (au.)
掲載誌 |
漢學研究=Chinese Studies
巻号 | v.31 n.4 |
出版年月日 | 2013.12.01 |
ページ | 145 - 178 |
出版者 | 漢學研究中心 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 宋元=Song-Yuan dynasties; 禪宗=Chan Buddhism; 趙州勘婆=Zhaozhou kan po; 公案=koan; 頌古=verses praising old cases=songgu; 評唱=critical retorts=pingchang |
抄録 | 宋代以來禪師透過整理和重新詮釋公案而產生頌古、評唱等文體形式。宋元時期多數禪師都有頌古之作,《禪宗頌古聯珠通集》所收公案以趙州從諗為最多,其中又以「趙州勘婆」公案最多人頌古。可見「趙州勘婆」形成禪宗勘驗悟境的一個經典互動模式,被後代禪師不斷地引用、評唱和重新詮釋,他們雖已脫離趙州與婆子當時的對話語境,但公案本身意蘊的開放性,使得後來的師徒仍能不斷藉此公案,創造更多的對話觀點。本文主要從此公案在宋元禪門的傳播與多重闡釋,觀察禪師對此公案的接受與運用情形,以見後代禪師如何藉由各種頌評活動,進入祖師公案對話的語意脈絡或時空情境中,參與公案意義的開發,挖掘宋元禪師對於過去公案深刻、獨特、創意的詮釋話語。
In the Song-Yuan dynasties, Chan masters began to summarize and reinterpret koans 公案, producing literary forms such as songgu (頌古 verses praising old cases) and pingchang (評唱 critical retorts). More songgu were composed for the koan known as "Zhaozhou sees through an old woman 趙州勘婆" than any other koan, which has been continually cited, used as a retort, and reinterpreted by later generations of Chan masters. Even though the contextual dialogue was discarded, the openness to interpretation of the koan itself enabled later Chan masters and disciples to use it to create new dialogues and perspectives. This article primarily aims to investigate the dissemination of this koan, ways in which it was explained, and its reception and application by Chan masters during the Song and Yuan dynasties, in order to observe how later Chan masters entered into the semantic or spatio-temporal context of their lineage masters' koan dialogues through commentarial activities and participated in the development of the meaning of koans, thus unearthing their profound, unique, and creative interpretations of koans of the past. |
目次 | 一、前言 146 二、「趙州勘婆」公案在宋元燈錄中的傳寫變化 148 三、「趙州勘婆」公案在宋元禪門中的傳播與循環運用 152 四、宋元禪師對「趙州勘婆」公案之頌古的詮釋面向 156 五、宋元禪師對「趙州勘婆」公案的註解和評論 164 六、結語 169
ISSN | 02544466 (P); 02544466 (E) |
ヒット数 | 582 |
作成日 | 2014.07.24 |
更新日期 | 2019.12.17 |

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