耶律楚材的三教思想=Yelu Chucai's Idea between Confucianism, Toaismand Buddhism |
著者 |
羅因 (著)=Law, Yan (au.)
掲載誌 |
東吳中文學報=Soochow Journal of Chinese Studies
巻号 | n.23 |
出版年月日 | 2012.05.01 |
ページ | 191 - 218 |
出版者 | 東吳大學中文系 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese |
キーワード | 元代=Yuan Dynasty; 耶律楚材=Yelu Chucai; 儒=Confucianism; 佛=Buddhism; 三教=Three Teachings |
抄録 | 佛教自從東漢傳入中國以來,與中國本土文化的互動就從來沒有停止過。在宋代理學復興儒學的時代壓力之下,佛教人士提出三教會通思想者,有愈來愈多的趨勢。在儒佛會通思想史上,元初宰相耶律楚材以居士身分,推動儒家政治,建立佛教徒政治家前所未有的功業,他本身的儒佛思想就相當值得探討。有關耶律楚材儒佛思想的研究,有些學者認為他「墨名而行儒」、「名釋而實儒」,也有學者認為他「重佛輕儒」。本文不再以選邊站的思考方式處理耶律楚材的儒佛思想,而是尊重耶律楚材「三教根源本自同」的思想根柢,認為耶律楚材既不是「名釋而儒行」,也不是「重佛輕儒」,承認他既是真正的儒者,也是真誠的佛教徒。他的儒佛思想是以大乘菩薩的濟世精神與儒家的入世主義會通,從根本處取消佛家出世與儒家入世的對立。並從實用主義的立場,擷取儒家治國之長與佛家治心之長,使儒佛相資以為用,使佛家教理和禪修參悟的實際修為,成為心靈安定的力量源泉,以此回饋一己之政治理想,成就一番儒家禮樂中原、澤世安民的功業。
Since the import of Buddhism during Eastern Han Era, the Chinese culture has never ceased being influenced by Buddhism. During the Song Era, when the Neo-Confucianism rose and the Teachings were greatly stressed upon, more and more Buddhist scholars raised the ideology of combining the Three Teachings(Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism). On the history of the fusion of the Three Teachings, Yelu Chucai, the Minister of the early Yuan Dynasty, and an advisor to the Mongol Empire, started to govern with Confucianism, and thus established policies and achievements that Buddhist never were able to. The ideology of Yelu Chucai himself, with the fusion of Buddhist and Confucius Teachings, is well worth looking into. For this part of study, some scholars believe that he held the ideas of 'Using the name of Mohism, and practicing Confucianism', or 'Using the name of Buddhism, while practicing Confucianism', and there are still some, who considered him 'valuing Buddhism more than Confucianism'. This study no longer focuses on which Teaching (especially Buddhism and Confucianism) Yelu Chucai stresses upon, but believes and respects his idea that 'the Three Teachings originated from the same root'. This study believes he neither 'practiced Confucianism in the name of Buddhism', nor 'valued Buddhism more than Confucianism'; but acknowledges that he was a true Confucianism scholar, as well as a real Buddhist. His ideology of both was a combination of Mahayana's (a strain of Buddhism) world saving spirit, and of Confucianism's ideology of serving the world. And from the basis, has written off the conflicts between Buddhism and Confucianism. Yelu Chucai also focused on the practical issues and took the strength of Confucianism in policy, as well as the strength of Buddhism in personal virtue, and thus created a co-existence and co-relation between the two Teachings, allowing the Buddhist practices of the heart and soul to become the source of energy that tranquilised the heart, and feedback to the political ideas he held. Thus creating a wide spread state of peace, wealth and tranquillity in China. |
目次 | 一、前言 192 二、濟世澤民與高蹈歸隱的情懷 195 三、三教之邪 196 四、三教相融 201 五、結論 212 |
ISSN | 10100733 (P); 10271163 (E) |
ヒット数 | 535 |
作成日 | 2014.09.23 |
更新日期 | 2019.07.19 |

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