

人間佛教與三乘共貫=Buddhism for the Human Realm and the Commonness of the Three Vehicles
著者 游祥洲 (著)=Yo, Hsiang-chou (au.)
掲載誌 法印學報=Journal of Dharma Seals
ページ129 - 170
出版サイト https://www.hongshi.org.tw/
出版地桃園縣, 臺灣 [Taoyuean hsien, Taiwan]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
2.本文作者曾撰〈人間佛教與三乘抉擇〉一文,口頭發表於慈濟大學與加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學所主辦之「人間佛教的理論與實踐──印順法師的佛學思想與落實」學術研討會,2004 年11月12日。其中部分論述,已融入本文。本文文字內容及電子檔,未經作者同意,請勿上網、轉述、拷貝或流通。
キーワード人間佛教=Buddhism for the human realm; 入世佛教=Engaged Buddhism; 印順=Yin-shun; 三乘共貫=Commonness of the Three Vehicles; 宗教人間化=Religious Secularization
抄録 「人間佛教」的理念,由太虛大師(1890-1947)啟其端緒,印順論師(1906-2005)成其體系,它先從華語世界開始,進而以「入世佛教」(Engaged Buddhism)的名稱在英語世界開展。就亞洲地區而言,「人間佛教」在時間進程上也與西方「宗教人間化」(Religious Secularization)的開展相呼應。

The ideal of “Buddhism for the human realm” was proposed by Master Tai-xu (1890-1947), and its system was completed by Master Yin-shun (1906-2005); it first begins from the Chinese world, then with the term, “Engaged Buddhism,” it transforms itself and spreads into the English-speaking countries. Diachronically speaking, while “Buddhism for the human realm” has been developing in Asia, “Religious Secularization” has done the same but in the west.
From a macroscopic viewpoint in the history, “Buddhism for the human realm” essentially is a revival movement of “the character of humanness” in the fundamental Buddhism; meanwhile, it is also a self-awakening movement of Mahayana Buddhism returning to the primitive Buddhism. In other words, “Buddhism for the human realm” could be a cooperative movement to go back to “the character of humanness” of primitive Buddhism for the first time for both the north-bounding
“Mahayana Buddhism” and south-bounding “Theravada Buddhism” (Dharmas for śrāvaka and pratyekabuddha).
If we promote “Buddhism for the human realm,” but for some reason, we, with the Mahayana standpoint, still confined ourselves to the ideology of preferring Mahayana Buddhism when we make a judgment, or relatively, with the standpoint of the elder (sthavira) and confine ourselves to claiming that “Mahayana is not Buddha’s teaching,” then, the confrontations and
oppositions between the north-bounding and south-bounding Buddhism would not be over. “Opposition among the three vehicles only deepens the rift and weakens in itself; only when we can “respect for the three vehicles” could the road to the “Buddhism for the human realm” become broader and much smoother.
Master Yin-shun proposed eight main arguments for us to clarify the debate over the positioning problem of the “Three Vehicles.” First, no matter “Three Vehicles” or “One Vehicle,” they are based on the perspective of a practitioner’s mind and actions. Second, the angles of attaining the dharma nature are different for the Mahayana and the Two Vehicles, and which make their attitude towards the secular and nirvana different. Third, the design of
the three vehicles could be properly understood through Buddha’s “four teaching methods” (Siddhānta), while the difference between “convenience” and “the ultimate” must be differentiated and grasped. Fourth, Buddhism for the human realm should be human-centered, so it should be taken in the early and middle periods of Buddhism in India. Fifth, that the concept of the three vehicles is ultimate is a convenient saying. When attaining into the
equality of dharma nature, we will naturally understand that one vehicle is the ultimate. Sixth, the right action in the human world is the basis of the “Three Vehicles.” Seventh, admit that we are “commons.” Eighth, the difference between the path for human Bodhisattva and the deva-and-man vehicle.
To step out of the
目次一、前言 134
1.「入世」與「出世」的平衡 135
2.「本質」與「異化」的抉擇 135
3.跨宗派的內外部對話 136
二、「人間佛教」是大乘優位嗎? 136
三、「一乘究竟」或「三乘究竟」 138
四、「大乘」與「二乘」的歷史性對立 140
五、佛教史上突破「三乘對立」的三位論師 142
(一)龍樹論師 142
(二)宗喀巴論師 144
(三)印順論師 144
六、印順論師對於三乘問題的八點主要論述 146
第一,三乘一乘,都在學佛者的心行上立論。 146
第二,大乘與二乘,契入法性的角度不同,因此面對世間與涅槃的態度也不同。 147
第三,三乘的施設可以從「四悉檀」中得到正確的理解,但也必須把握到「方便」與「究竟」的差別。 147
第四,「人間佛教,應以人為中心,應攝取印度初中二期佛教。」 148
第五,三乘究竟,本是方便說的。在證入法性平等中,同歸一乘,為必然的結論。 149
第六,「人間正行」通於「三乘」 151
第七,承認自己是「凡夫」。 153
第八,「人菩薩行」與「人天乘」的差別。 155
七、跨越傳統判教與自宗優位之舊思維 156
八、對於「終極思維範疇」的兩種模式之省思 158
九、三乘義理共貫的十二項抉擇 160
十、「宗教人間化」對當代宗教的挑戰 161
十一、「人間佛教」在亞洲地區的開展 164
十二、結論──人間佛教涵融三乘之重要 167
ISSN22241299 (P)

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