

The Best War Against Terrorism: Dialogue among the Religions
著者 Swidler, Leonard
掲載誌 International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture=국제불교문화사상사학회
ページ369 - 381
出版者International Association for Buddhist Thought and Culture
出版サイト http://iabtc.org/
出版地Seoul, Korea [首爾, 韓國]
資料の種類期刊論文=Journal Article
ノートLeonard Swidler is a Professor of Catholic Thought & Interreligious Dialogue at Temple University.
抄録Dialogue as the term is used today to characterize encounters between persons and groups with different religions or ideologies is something quite new under the sun. In the past when different religions or ideologies met it was mainly to overcome, or at least to teach, the other, because each was completely convinced that it alone held the secret of the meaning of human life.

More and more in recent times sincerely convinced persons of different religions and ideologies have slowly come to the conviction that they did not hold the secret of the meaning of human life entirely unto themselves, that in fact they had something very important to learn from each other. As a consequence they approached their encounters with other religions and ideologies not primarily in the teaching mode, holding the secret of life alone, but primarily in the learning mode, seeking to find more of the secret of the meaning of life. That is dialogue.

In the wake of September 11, 2001, not only Americans but many around the world, and especially religious people, have suddenly been thrust into an awareness of the absolute necessity to learn about Islam and to enter into dialogue with Muslims. It is on this existential issue within the context of the current War on Terror that I wish to reflect together with you. First, let me offer some thoughts on what several current terms mean.
目次Abstract 369
I. What the Current Terror Is and Is Not 370
1. Definition of Terror 370
2. Connection of Terror with Islam 370
3. Fundamentalism 370
4. Islamism 371
5. Jihadism 372
Ⅱ. Why Do Terrorists attack the U.S. and Other Democratic Peoples? 372
Ⅲ. Israel-Palestine Peace: A Challenge for Us All but Not the Cause of Terrorism 373
Ⅳ. The World's Poverty: A Challenge for Us All But Not the Cause of Terrorism 373
V. What Should Be Done about the Terrorists? 374
Ⅵ. What Do We Ordinary Citizens Do about Terrorism? 375
1. Non-Muslims Need to Advocate and Practice Tolerance and Respect 375
2. Muslims Need to Speak out 376
3. Support Moderate and Progressive Islam 376
4. Education for Deep-Dialogue and Critical-Thinking 377
Ⅶ. Dialogue among the Religions 377
Ⅷ. Conclusion: Dialogue and Terror 381
ISSN15987914 (P)

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