《華嚴經》對曉雲法師的影響=The Influences of Huayan Jing (Avata saka Sūtra) on Ven. Hiu-wan |
著者 |
陳秀慧 (著)=Chen, Shiu-hui (au.)
掲載誌 |
華梵人文學報=Huafan Journal of Humanities
巻号 | n.12 |
出版年月日 | 2009.06 |
ページ | 1 - 24 |
出版者 | 華梵大學文學院 |
出版サイト |
出版地 | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
資料の種類 | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
言語 | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
キーワード | 華嚴經=Huayan Jing; 曉雲法師=Ven. Hiu-wan; 淨行品=Jing-xing pin; 明法品=Ming-fa pin; 普賢行願品=Pu-xian xing-yuan pin |
抄録 | 華嚴宗一乘十玄、六相圓融與法界重重無盡緣起的妙諦,有助開拓學人「心包太虛,量周沙界」的廣大心量,泯除時空、人我、物我的界隔,創造人我一體、物我相生、法我一如,無限開闊、豐「富」而尊「貴」人生!是以該宗據以成立的《華嚴經》因此受到歷代祖師大德與在家信眾的尊崇。本文以當代佛教教育家曉雲法師(1912-2004)為例,剖析《華嚴經》經教對她個人修行、弘化志業乃至畫藝創作的影響。主要以法師出家前後所著《島嶼歲月》、《環宇周行散記》、《四時散記》與《淨苑隨筆》等四書為研究材料,輔以相關經典論著;採文獻分析法,依據上述四本著作中所出現有關《華嚴經》之引文或有關《華嚴》經教之論述,加以分析,從而歸納《華嚴經》對法師個人修行的影響為:(一)行持之軌則、(二)禪觀之輔助與(三)悲願之興發,並據此闡述之。
Huayan Jing (Avata saka Sūtra) is one of the most influential sutras in Chinese Buddhism. The cosmic vision of infinite realms mutually containing each other described in this text was the theoretical foundation for the Huayan school of Chinese Buddhism. Therefore, this work has been highly esteemed by Chinese Buddhist masters and lay people. This paper takes Ven. Hiu-wan (1912-2004) as an example to verify the deep influences of Huayan Jing on her Buddhist practices and contributions. Mainly by analyzing the quotations and interpretations of Huayan Jing in her early works, Dao-yu sui-yue (Times and seasons in Hong Kong islands), Huan-yu zhou-xing san-ji (Random notes of the trip around the world), Si-shi san-ji (Random notes of the four seasons), and Jing-yuan sui-bi (Writings of rambling thoughts in Jing-yuan monastery), the author brings forth the following conclusions: 1. The teachings in Huayan Jing had been the golden rule of Ven. Hiu-wan’s moral conducts. 2. The teachings in Huayan Jing had been assisting Ven. Hiu-wan to deepen her insight while practicing meditation. 3. The teachings in Huayan Jing had been strongly inspiring Ven. Hiu-wan to take the great vow of Bodhisattva. |
目次 | 壹、前言 一、背景說明 二、研究動機、宗旨 三、研究材料、方法 貳、《華嚴經》對曉雲法師宗教行持與弘化志業的影響 一、行持之軌則 二、禪觀之輔助 三、悲願之興發 參、結論 肆、參考文獻 一、釋曉雲論著(台北:原泉出版社) 二、專書 三、藏經典籍 四、期刊論文 五、研討會論文 六、工具書
ISSN | 18124305 (P) |
ヒット数 | 843 |
作成日 | 2015.06.12 |
更新日期 | 2019.08.07 |

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